Chapter 15: Or Not?

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"Then, they had you kids. And their lives have been happy ever since." Papa Smurf said, "The end."

He closed the book. A young boy smurf then asked, "Was that a real story, Papa Smurf?"

Smurfwillow chuckled, "Yes, it was, Rapid."

Smurfheart asked, "How come our parents never told us about that?"

"Yeah," Thunder added, "They only told us until the song."

Smurfwillow and Papa looked at each other, "Maybe they didn't want to scare you with the scary parts."

Savvy lifted his hand, "Well, that wasn't exactly scary, it was more of too mushy. With Uncle Clumsy and Aunt Storm kissing and our parents kissing, and other stuff."

Every kid in the room agreed. Papa and Willow tried to calm them, but thankfully someone else came to the rescue. Smurfstorm barged into the house and sighed, "They're over at Papa Smurf's house guys!"

Smurfstorm, Clumsy, Blossom, Brainy, Smurfette, and Hefty came inside.

"Oh, thank goodness you're safe." Smurfette said, hugging her kids. Smurfblossom did the same with her kids.

Smurfstorm was pretty mad, "Why'd you leave without telling us?"

"Sorry mommy, daddy. Auntie and Uncles too." Lightning apologized

"Yeah, sorry. We were just excited to hear another story from Papa and Willow." Sakura-Bright said

The three couples froze and looked at Willow and Papa, "Which story did you tell them?"

"Your adventure after discovering Smurfy Grove." Papa said

Sakura-Bright asked, "Why'd you never tell us you guys were pretty rebellious?"

The six smurfs chuckled nervously and started dragging them outside the house.

"That's none of your concern right now, sweetie."

"Yeah, now let's go home. It's getting late."

"We need to get some shut-eye."

Before they left, they waved to Papa and Willow.

"Night Papa, Willow."


"Goodnight everyone."

"Bye and goodnight."

Smurfblossom and Brainy walked their kids, Sakura-Bright Smurf and Savvy Smurf, back home. Smurfette and Hefty also walked their kids, Smurfheart and Rapid Smurfpassion, home as well. Clumsy and Smurfstorm were walking their twin kids, Lightning Smurfdaze and Thunder Smurfdaze, home too.

Smurfstorm tucked Thunder and Daze and said, "Goodnight." She left the room. Clumsy kissed Daze's nose and said "Night kids."

As he closed the door, they both replied, "Night mom, night dad."

Smurfstorm took off her cloak and quiver before getting in bed, she also changed to her night gown. Clumsy was already in his nightwear and he was waiting for Storm in bed. Smurfstorm came in the room and also got in bed to go to sleep for the night. Clumsy shut off the lights and said, "Night, Stormy."

With her eyes closed, "Goodnight, Clumsy."

Soon, everyone in Smurf Village drifted off to sleep. The six kids, however, were excited for another story from their parents tomorrow. Meanwhile, high up in the hill, the evil wizard, Gargamel was planning an attack soon. 

The End

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