Chapter 11: River Problems

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Clumsy and Smurfstorm were sitting at the edge of the boat. They were just looking at the calm part of the river they were in. They were sitting beside each other, hand-in-hand. Smurfstorm was leaning on Clumsy and Clumsy was slightly leaning on her.

Smurfstorm may not be the most feminine girl in town, but she does act a whole lot softer when she's with Clumsy. Smurfstorm took peeks at his wound from time to time and her smile turns into a frown when seeing it. As she kept doing it, Clumsy caught on with her seeing his wound.

"Storm, I-"

"Sorry about that." She cut him off

"Sorry about what?"

"Your injury. I'm sorry for causing that to you."

Clumsy didn't like it when she blamed herself for something she didn't even do, "Storm, this isn't your fault."

"But it is. You wanted to protect me from those nasty spider wolves. So, you distracted them all by yourself. Which is why it's my fault for this cut on your leg." She looked away. Clumsy reach out to cup her face with his hand.

"Hey, it was my choice to do that. So, it was pretty much my own fault for this cut, Stormy." He said affectionately, looking into her eyes, "So, please, don't blame yourself for this. Okay?"

"Fine. Just for now anyways." She smiled. They both got lost in each other's eyes. They almost kissed, but again, Brainy cleared his throat, indicating that they're still watching. Which made them retract from each other and looked at the other way.

"Brainy!" Hefty, Smurfette, and Smurfblossom yelled.

"You ruined the moment, again." Hefty said. The girls just nodded.

Hefty was at the back. He was running to make the boat go faster. The others were just looking at the front, with Brainy looking at the map. As they passed a certain type of floating flower, Hefty grabbed one of the floaties from it and placed it on Clumsy.

"Here." He said as he placed it on him.

Clumsy looked at it, "Ooh. Stylish and practical."

Smurfstorm giggled at his childish acts, even though his leg was wounded, he could still act funny, as usual. Smurfette and Smurfblossom looked at the map.

"At this pace, Gargamel doesn't stand a chance." Smurfette said

"Woohoo!" Smurfblossom yelled as she leaned on Brainy's side. Brainy slightly blushed and placed one of his arms around her.

Clumsy looked beside the boat and saw a lever, "Hey. What is this thing?"

As he was about to pull it, "I wouldn't touch that if I were you." Brainy said while looking at the map.

Those simple words made Clumsy retract his arm and said, "Oh. Now all I want to do is touch it."

Smurfette looked and pointed at the map, "Look. If we follow this river, we'll be right on course."

"Right on course."

As she said 'right on course'. Everyone heard another person say it at the same time as her and got confused. "Huh?"

That was until they looked at where the sound came from and saw...

Gargamel with his dumb bird and cat, "To the end of our rainbow."

Azrael saw the smurfs and meowed to get Gargamel's attention. He looked and saw the smurfs, "Smurfs? I thought I left you for dead."

Hefty got the hint and started running faster, "Hang on smurf crew."

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