Chapter 3: Gargamel's Attack

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It was now early at night. Everyone had their bows aimed towards outside the village. Smurfette, Hefty, Brainy, and Clumsy were hiding in a bush. Clumsy was excited and he whisper-yelled, "Isn't this exciting?"

The other 3 shushed him, "Shh!"

Willow was leading the girls. Telling them when to release. "Hold. Hold."

There was only rustling in the bushes. Until a glow bunny jumped out, "Now!"

The glow bunny dodged every arrow and landed safely on the ground. The glow bunny was Bucky and it revealed that Papa Smurf was riding it. Willow swung on a vine and knocked him off the Bucky's back.

She trapped him to a rock with her stick and said, "Surrender, wizard."

He looked confused, "What? Wizard?"

The other female smurfs looked at him.

"Oh, he's so old."

"Is he wearing a disguise?"

"Look at his face."

Papa smurf looked around in disbelief and muttered out, "This is impossible."

Smurfstorm was beside Smurfwillow pointing an arrow at Papa Smurf, "He doesn't seem so tough."

And Smurfblossom was on the other side of Smurfwillow, "Yeah, Gargamel! That's what you get when you attack Smurfy Grove."

Now, Papa was confused, "Gargamel? What are you talking about?"

Thankfully, Smurfette came in to the rescue, "No, no, no, wait. This is a mistake."

The other smurfs were confused, "What?"

"Smurfette?" Papa asked

"That's Papa." She introduced

"Papa?" Willow asked

"Papa?" Smurfblossom asked, "There's another funny word. Papa. Papa. Papa!"

She started hitting the ground with her spear. Until Smurfwillow told her to stop, "Smurfblossom, no! Breathe deep and step away from the papa-thing."

"Everyone, meet Papa Smurf." Smurfette said


Papa then replied, "Hey."

"Hi. I'm Smurfjade."

He hugged Smurfette and asked, "Where are the boys?"

Smurfette smiled nervously and turned to the bush they were in, as Bucky pushed them out.

"Sup, Papa." Hefty said

"Hello there." Brainy nervously said

"I rode a dragonfly!" Clumsy then covered his mouth after saying that.

Papa was just thankful they're all fine, "Well, thank goodness you're all okay."

"How did you find us?"

Papa chuckled, "I wasn't born yesterday, you know."

"Yeah, that's clear." Smurfwillow said stating the obvious, smirking while doing so.

Papa then went serious again, "Look, you four are coming home with me. Now."

Smurfwillow interrupted, "Not so fast, Papa-thing."

"'Papa-thing'?" Papa Smurf said, turning around to Smurfwillow, "Are you the one in charge around, here?"

"That's right. I'm Smurfwillow, leader of the smurfs."

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