Clumsy? Me? Ofc not

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The deck was empty, my fellow nakamas was scattered across the sunny go doing there own thing. The sun raised high in the sky indicating that is was probably almost noon. I reached the kitchen door.
inside the room is the kitchen to the left with a kitchen island that separates the dining area and the kitchen from each other.  chairs are displayed along the kitchen island and 10 chairs surround the oval table.
I take a seat along the kitchen island.
"Mai-chan! right on time I just finished with the Mai special sandwich" Sanji uttererd in a high pitch voice laist in sweetness, and placing the said sandwich in front of me, along with a steaming cup of coffee with a touch of milk in it. I smiled up at the chef with a thankful smile "It looks fantastic sanji-kun thank you" "anything for a lady" I rolled my eyes at his words, I didn't see myself as a lady but corrected no further.
The sandwich was gone in a heartbeat,
I took a couple of sips from the coffee and a small hum escapes from my throat do to the  blissful aroma. "Nothing beats the first cup of coffee" sanji who is standing on the other side of the island smiles softly and turn to the counter on the opposite side and proceeds where he left off. "What are you making?" Curiosity overtaking me while I continue to sip on my coffee in hand.
"It's for tonights dinner"
"Hmm, it looks like a feast" I say while scanning all the ingredients sprawled around on the counter.
"Everyday is party"
sanji laugh but later sweat-drops. I too sweat drop at the thought of luffys demander for food.
Finished with my breakfast I stand and proceed to the sink to wash my dirty dishes.
Sanji stops me with a hand on my shoulder before I even have time to run the water.
"I can take care of that dear"
"but I insist " sanji doesn't budge "you should just relax today, I know you haven't had much sleep" dammit sanji stop with the chivalry behaviour and let me do my damn own dishes.
I huff "please Sanji-kun let me be useful it's just dishes , come on"
"okey fine but just.. be careful" he demands. I raise an eyebrow.
"You take me as clumsy?"
He scratched the back of is head "Yeah kind of , but totally in a cute way" he reassures. I'm not that clumsy ...right. I ignore all flashbacks that go through my mind when my past self may had done some pretty uncoordinated movements.
"Just give me that sponge" I sight, and reach for the sponge laying on the side of the sink.
Sanji leaves me for myself and I start washing the dishes while humming on a melody. Humming away and lost in my thoughts the grip on the cup I'm holding loosens and it slips through my fingers and I catch it just as it hits the counter and breaks into small pieces. Do to the surprise of dropping the cup I somehow managed to clench hard with my hand around it resulting with a cut in my palm. Fuck shit, that hurts! Sanji quickly drops what his doing and is by my side in an instant with a worried look on his face.
"Mai-chan , are you okay?"
I press my other hand over the one I hurt, Not wanting to look. I don't like the sight of blood, especially my own.
The shock is starting to leave me and is instead replaced with a pulsing pain in my hand that's slowly raising. Sanji gently takes my hands towards him. "Can you show me" he ask with worry in his voice that he fail to conceal.
I node with eyes in a daze. I watch as he gently remove my hand from my wounded one. The cut is going straight across my palm , I can't se how deep the cut is with all the blood, which has began to drop between my fingers and on to the floor.
I evert my eyes from the sight, starting to feel lightheaded I feel how my body is swaying like I'm going to pass out, stars are entering my vision. Panicking I grab hold of Sanjis arm, my breathing is becoming more and more shallow and I know that any second now I will have a full blown panic attack.
Sanji is looking at me with wary eyes.
"You should sit down Mai-chan!"
I look up from the floor to meet his eyes that is waiting.
Sanji inspects my hand with delicate care. He takes a kitchen cloth and puts pressure on the cut. "Press with this while I go and fetch Chopper from the sick bay"
Feeling utterly ridiculous for being so weak-minded at the mere sight of blood I push through and stand up again.
"No need I can walk there myself, sorry for making a mess when you're busy" I apologise I really am a kluts aren't I
He looks questionable at me "You sure"
I walk towards the door before he can stop me. "Thanks again for the breakfast" I wave  at him without looking back. I close the door behind my and lean on it for a moment. "Let's get this over with so I can go find Luffy and Usopp then" I sight.
The sick bay is just around the corner so I steer my legs towards it. On my way I see Zoro climbing down from the crows nest, as I approach he notice me and looks at me and smirks. Damn couldn't I have gone to the sick bay unnoticed.. just my luck huh.
"Not a word zoro I mean it" I warn him when he reach me. "What? I haven't even said anything yet" "Oh spare me , I know that you were about say something stupid"
Zoro frowns and puts his hands on his hips "stupid? Actually no, I was gonna ask you about the bloody towel you got there" he pointed out and a smirk started to form again "but seeing that you are perfectly fine, I wonder, did you trip on your own feet again" and here it was, stupid comments
"Haha , very funny" I snarl back.
I storm of with big steps away from the green haired smirking boy.
He chuckles as he watch me leave and walks away too to take a nap, He hears the door to the infirmary opens and then close with a loud bang.

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