land ahead, who am I?

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Attention: May contain spoilers but I am cautious to reveal anything of importants!

Mais POV
"Say Nami, I've been thinking, the log pose is pointing downwards and not actually to this island so will the needle not change direction as we reach this island?" I ask Nami as we stand by the reeling next to the helm, both gazing out with eyes fixed at the approaching island.

"Good question Mai, all islands has magnetic fields and the log pose is drawn to that direction, but in this case the magnet field the log pose is directed to is much stronger than the island ahead, therefore we can go ashore without problem. The log pose will not change its course until our arrival" Nami as a matter a facts.

As we reach the shore everyone is getting ready to go ashore to venture on their own for a bit, being stuck on the ship for a couple of days have made most of them itching to get some new views of sceneries for a change.
Luffy can't contain his excitement to soon explore, the adventure lusting boy is catapulting himself of the ship as soon as they let the anchor go and disappears in to the jungle like forest.

One after the other, they all leave the ship at the stony bay not far from the nearest village only the thick jungle in between. The ship should be safe for a couple of hours, they didn't spot any marines on their way in so.. as safe as it can be.

Authors POV
Mai was walking on the cobblestone covered main street, it was crowded with villagers, going on with their everyday life. The streets was clean and houses and stores along the way was well maintained.
Mai was accompanied by Sanji, Brook and Chopper. They where assigned to the provision team. Nami and Usopp was on the ' keep Luffy out of trouble team'. While Franky and Robin was on the 'find Zoro who got lost when they all walked through the forest team'. They decided to meet at nightfall in the local pub.
The weather was hummed and hot, a small breeze swept across their sweaty foreheads, but only giving a moment of relief. Mai was through and through with walking now. She wanted nothing more than to lay down in the shadow covered forest to cool off.
With shopping bags dragging behind her and eyes fixed on the ground she followed after the rest in a slow pace. The others had to stop now and then to make sure she didn't fall behind. Sanji offered to take the bags for her many times but she didn't mind caring the bags. Sanji was to nice on the girl to say that he was concerned for the food she has been dragging for a while now.
Mai, so self absurd in her own bubble didn't notice the watchful eyes as she walked on the street, or when the man was walking behind her just a few steps away in the same slow pace. After following for a while, observing the girl thoroughly, Mai felt a chill go down her back and a second later the stranger had grabbed Mais shoulder making her spin around on her feet, dropping the groceries bags in the process.
Shock was visibly shown on her face. How did she not notice him?! He was looking her up and down like he was trying to see that she were very much real, causing her to frown, she didn't like the way he was eying her. Starting to feel the angry rising from the pit of her stomach she tried to speak up, to ask him what the hell he was doing.
But before she managed to get any words out the man beat her to it.
"Sunpo?? You're that Sunpo right?How are you alive?" the strange man said in a monotone voice lacking or concealing all emotion. He held a firm grip on both of Mais shoulders.
The man before her almost appeared to be no man at all, more of a cyborg with modified body parts. His  shoulders and head are covered in metal plating and his face is completely white. He wears a large maroon winter jacket on a hot day like this,with gray pauldrons on its shoulders with the number "18" on each of them, a black cavalier hat with a long and wild red plume, pink trousers with purple stripes, and black boots on his small feet. Something clicked in Mai when the man called her by that name, and again like something is blocking her out a blasting headache struck her for the millionth time, She saw a image of a woman's silhouette appear in her the abyss of her mind, the woman called out to her...
The cyborg like man shakes her shoulders, why isn't she answering she's just standing there?? He try's again but in vain, still no response.

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