You spin me right round ~

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Zoro found me sitting on my sorry ass leaning against the reeling in a not so flattering state. I had closed my eyes in an attempt to make the world spin less. But I was at least not nauseous anymore.
"Mattaku mendokusei (Jeez irritating )"
Zoro kicks my leg lightly thinking I might be asleep. Not wanting the crew after him for leaving me to sleep out in the cold.
"Leave me alone" I wave him off not opening my eyes.
He kicks me again, this time a little harder.
Therefore I open my eyes and stare up at him.
"Seriously Zoro"
"you shouldn't sleep here" he say while looking down at me.
"I wasn't sleeping ... just closing my eyes for a moment" I brush some loose strands of hair from my face to get a clearer view of him. How is he not even a bit intoxicated I wonder for myself.
"If you say so" He doesn't look convinced at all.
"You can go now, I will go to girls cabin when my head stops spinning" I confess and close my eyes again.
Maybe that will make him leave.
Zoro doesn't say anything back and for a second there I really think he exactly did leave me alone.
But in one swift move I was lifted from the floor and in to the arms of Zoro. He had one hand under my knees and the other around my shoulder,now pressed against his chest
And surprised at his action I wrapt my hands around his neck scared that he would drop me, which of course he wouldn't.
"Zoro!! What are you doing?" Not able to conceal that he took me by surprise.
"Taking you to the girls cabin so that I can go to sleep faster" he say and walks up the stairs. I let him carry me all the way to the door in silence not knowing what to say.
He too is silent. We reach the door and he sets me down and begins to leave.
I look at his back as he is walking away.
Wanting to say something a clear my throat,
"Goodnight Zoro"
He glance back at me with that annoying smirk of his.
"Don't sleep the whole day away just because you're hangover tomorrow okey?" And he proceed to the boys cabin.
"Huh? You're the one to talk" I sweatdrop and enter the quarters as silently as I can.
As soon as my head lands on my pillow I immediately fall asleep, snoring loudly in to the early hours of the morning.

I woke up the following morning with the worst headache, it felt like my head was about to split open.
Nami and Robin was awake and was on their way out.
"Mai are you coming? Breakfast is ready" Nami say and looks in my direction.
I flip the blanket over my head.
"This headache is killing me, just put me out of my misery, someone pleeease" I whine.
Oh I would do anything for some painkillers right about now.
Nami sights "I tell sanji-kun to save you some" and they leave the room.
After feeling sorry for myself just a few more of minutes I force myself out of bed and I too go to breakfast.
Entering the room silently in my zombie state,franky is the first to notice me.
"Aaw you look like someone who's been suuper run over by a train" franky points out and laughs. And is soon joined by luffy and Usopp.
"Uugh it's to early for that" me not being a morning person and certainly not with a hangover.
"Mai-chan I prepared some rice porridge for you too help with the hangover" Sanji say with a steaming bowl in hand ushering me to take a seat.I thank him and sits down. All is now seated around the table munching away.
"Now that we all are here" Nami looks around the table to see that everyone is paying attention and then continues " we will shortly reach the next island , since yesterday the climat has stabilised "
"Yaahoo , shi~ma shi~ma (island)" luffy sings while banging hes fork on the table.
"That's great news Nami-swan we are a bit low in the food department"
"Sake and beer too" zoro points out
" well we sure know who to blame that on" Usopp comments with sarcasm looking between the loud captain and me.
"Me?" I question, "I drank the least amount yesterday so don't put the blame on me"
"You don't remember breaking the last barrel of beer yesterday?"
"No~" I say hesitantly 
"You don't remember sending the barrel overboard?" Usopp continue
"Again no I don't remember " I'm getting sick of him repeating the same question.
"Well you did and made Zoro angry at you so you challenged him to a staring contest"
I realised  " so that's why he looked so angry at me" I remember now.
"Sorry Zoro " I give him me best apologising smile. But he just continues to eat, but all could see the tick mark forming on his head by being reminded of last night's event. Flashbacks of when he carried me to my room is going through my mind. But I shake them away.
Best to leave it at that.

Hi again!
If you reach it this for I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Fun fact:
Yesterday I actually catched up to the anime. Its so goood,
I have been following the one piece anime for 13 years now.
Have a nice one!
author-san out

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