Let the party begin

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Later in the evening after spending the whole afternoon fishing on deck with Usopp, Luffy and chopper I leave them to it and take a seat in grass instead. Gazing up to the clear sky, I trail my eyes over the calm ocean the sun is hanging low in the horizon with a beautiful red light. I close my eyes to enjoy the last rays for today.
"Food is ready" Sanji shouts loudly one floor up in the direction of the kitchen disturbing the 1 minute of peace I got this day.
I sight and get up from the comforter of the grass. "Yosha, NIKU (meat)" luffy sing-shouts running to the dining hall with Usopp and Chopper trailing after him trying to catch up with his speed.
"Better get there fast or all the meat will be gone" I mutter to no one in particular.
I take a seat at the edge of the table as far as I can from Luffy, wanting my dinner for myself. But we all now that there is no use for when Luffy is on a eating roll literally nothing will stop him. His rubber hands will fly left and right across the table inhaling all in his path.
Soon one after the other all of the mugiwaras has now entered the dining hall and taken a place around the table and sanji starts to place all kinds of different food in the middle of the table.
Nami is sitting on my left side and to my right is an empty chair where Sanji will take a seat eventually.
Everybody starts to dig in to the feast.
And it's as usual freaking delicious.
Conversation and laughter is thrown back and forth in the dining hall and the decibel is slowly increasing.
I had just finished with my plate of food when a hand reaches over my shoulder taking my empty plate and replace it with a fruity dessert. I look over my shoulder knowing that it's Sanji I just give him a small smile as a thank you and he responds with a closed eyed smile.
"Sanji why don't you take a seat and enjoy the party too?" I say as I take a spoonful of strawberrys, the sweetness exploding on my tastebuds is making me close my eyes in joy.
Sanji is watching in delightness.
He takes the empty seat next to me with he's body facing me "maybe I should" he smirks.
He looks at my profile while I continue to eat ignoring his watchful eyes.
Two seats away next to Nami is Zoro unnoticedly watching from his peripheral vision, listening in on the conversation while drinking and eating away.

"Is your hand still hurting Mai-chan?" Sanjis question takes me by surprise.
I stop , including everyone but Usopp, Luffy and Zoro.
"I'm fine" I muster out quickly. Just drop it Mr.Prince
"Did you get hurt Mai?" Robin now asks across the table and the rest is waiting for me to answer.
And me being done and over this. "it's nothing, can we drop it"
I hide my bandaged hand from curious eyes, downing the beer in front of me. "Anyone up for a drinking challenge" I try, to change the subject. "I'm in" Nami smirks and raises her hand, of course you are. " You think you're up for the challenge kid" Zoro say with amusement. I stare irritatingly at Zoro
"kid? Oh really now, last time I checked I was 2 years older than you moss head" "huuuuh, with you're 5,3 inches I would call that a kid"
My cheeks are warm from blushing at his impudent remake. " ooh now we are so ON"
Nami is looking back and forth at the swordsman and me with a sweat mark.
"ooi~ let's not get too riled up here, Mai you now how you become if you drink too much"
"I don't care! let's do this" I continue to boost with fire in my eyes. Robin laughts quietly, Franky and Brook is cheering with their fists in the air, chopper is dancing on the table with a basket in hand and chopsticks embedded in his blue nose making him look utterly ridiculous infront of a laughing Usopp and Luffy. And so the chaos begins.

"One more" I shouted out after gulping down my 4th pint of beer and slamming it down on the table. Nami and Zoro was way ahead of me finishing on their 6th and 8th already and not slowing down. "Monsters *hicc* " I gibber. I wish I could have the same tolerance for alcohol as they did but I hadn't much of an a experience in that department.
Sanji brought me a new beer reluctantly. I stand up and downed it too in one sweep of a movement spilling some on my chin, I brushed it of with the back of my hand.
"How's it going there champ" "wanna quit" Zoro smirks.
One more smirk and I will shove that pint of his where the sun doesn't shine.
"Oh I'm not done yet" I reply wobbling a bit.

The party is in its last hour, the only ones left in the dining area is Nami who is sleeping with her head on the table and hands underneath acting as a pillow, and sanji who is doing the dishes in the kitchen. All the others had gone to bed. Expect of course Zoro and Mai who is now having a drunk stare down competition instead, seated next to each other. "if you 'hick' blink you~ loose" I stare at him but barely seeing my hand in front of my face let alone his smug face.
He doesn't budge. But after drinking far to much for far to long I am starting to feel nauseous. Not able to hold it in for much longer I avert my eyes and stand up abruptly sending the chair to the floor, hands holding tightly against my mouth I barge out of the room.
"Haha That's what you get" I hear Zoro shout as I run towards the reeling to puke my guts out.

In the dining room a pleased zoro is still seated laughing his butt of.
"Ooi Marimo head" a angry Sanji march up to him, smacking his foot right on Zoros head making his face greet the floor in high speed.
"Ugh what was that for??" Zoro roars loudly already up on his feet.
"Don't.make.Mai.drink.that.much" he emphasises each word as he stares at him. Zoro stares back and gets so close up to Sanjis face so their noses are practically touching.
"Huh? She's responsible for her own actions, ba~ka" and the next moment the brawl begins, kicks and punches are thrown around. Zoro wished he had he's swords on him so could cut the piece of shit infront of him.
They throw insult back and forth to each other until Nami who was sleeping soundly just a minute ago woke up due to the duo making all the noises.
"Ya~mero (stop it)"
She punches the two of them right on the head sending them to the floor and the fighting stops.
She march out of the room without looking back muttering to herself with steam coming out from her head.
The duo stands up with a pounding bump on their heads. Zoro sights and Sanji looks at him.
"Wakatta wakatta ku~so (alright dammit ), I'll go check on her mustache-eyebrow" and he begins to leave the room not wanting to hear another word from the chef.

Hi guys!
Thank you for reading.
Random/fun fact about me:
When I was 14 years maybe I got a straw hat from my big brother as a birthday present and I cried happy tears haha , I'm serious haha I was so committed.
Well still am ehum...

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