Red Line , we meet again!

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The next day Mai felt much better and she decided to not dwell on what's happened because firstly she's not the dwelling type and secondly she didn't want her crewmates to worry because of her. She knew that she would remember in time and forcing it back was not an option, and she felt save, because she had her nakamas. 

It's midday and it's another beautiful day, the sea is quite still and only a few clouds can be seen further away in the horizon.
The blonde girl is sitting on the reeling besides Luffy who in turn sits besides Chopper and further down is Usopp and Brook. 
Luffy and Usopp have their fishing rods out intended to catch a bunch of fish. They do that a lot, fishing that is, to both pass the time and get some food supply.
They are all staring down at the water, like in a trance they watch the waves hit the ship wave after wave.
Mai sights loudly and closes her eyes, they've been doing this for a while now. With little to no luck.
Their captain is at his last straw of patience,
"Man, this is boring" he whines
"Now now ,let's be patient" Brook tries to convince the raven haired, holding the net with both hands along the stick it's attached to.

Behind them is Sanji, Robin, Franky and Nami sitting in the grass on deck around a table, siping on tea while enjoy the peaceful environment.
Zoro on the other hand is taking his daily nap, leaning on the tree they have in the corner of the deck.
Mai glances to her left side in the direction of the said swordsman. She smiles a bit for herself taking in the sight of him embracing his three katana like his a kid hugging its teddybear. Man if I only had a camera.
She averts her eyes and looks ahead again, not wanting to get caught looking.

But just like that, to no ones surprise thought, Luffy disturbs the peace with his whining, now aiming it at their Navigator.

"Nee, Nami!" He turns his head backwards looking at the navigator upside down, "aren't we at fishman island yet? Nae! Nae!"

Nami groans as she hears him, spilling some of her tea in the process.
She turns around as she answers him.
"Urusaiwane! I'm sure we're getting closer"

"Fishman... mermaids!!" Sanji say dreamily across the table, imagining a beautiful mermaid in his mind. The thoughts makes him spin around the deck with hearts in his eyes yelling about mermaids this mermaids that, which wakes up a sleeping Zoro who glares irritatingly in the direction of all the noise, but only huffs at the chefs perverted behaviour. What an idiot...

In the meanwhile, Luffy throws his fishing rod up in the air, which lands with a thud in the grass behind him.
"Gah, I'm tired of this!" He stands on the reeling continuing to yell his displeasure "Sanji !! I need food" thinking that food will surely still his boredom.

The blonde girl stares up at her captain sweat dropping at his childish behaviour.
At the same time Usopp sees something in the distant. He takes one of his goggles down to his eye, they are made with a built-in telescope so he can see through far distances.
"Huh! SUGEEI , it's a huge school of fish!" He yells out for all to hear.

"Yohohoho, I told you, with a little patience
Everything works out!" Brook disclaim while laughing.



Right after Usopps discovery Luffy is once again with he's fishing rod out, swinging his legs happily back and forth, forget all that he said. Everyone on the reeling is looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Change of heart, Huh?" Mai scoffed at him.
But he just continue to smile happily when suddenly,

"Oooh , the fish is coming this way" luffy is getting even more excited thinking that they will finally catch some fish.

Nami joins them by the reeling, Chopper thinks that she too wants to try. But she has other intentions.. Mai looks questionable at the orange haired girl, sensing that somethings not right.

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