Double trouble

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"Bang" "bang"

Loud gunshots were echoing repeatedly, causing Mai's eardrums to vibrate violently,
She woke up, confused to where she was. She felt the hard soil underneath her body her neck felt sore and head heavy, she looked around with a frown on her features.

Darkness of the night still present making it hard to see clearly but after sometime of adjustments she could distinguish the contours of a big man standing in front of her just 2 steps away.
It was the same bastard who rendered her unconscious!
She glared up at him sending daggers at his back where she laid flat on her stomach. She tilted her head, looking past him to where he was facing, wondering what had happened while she was out of it. mouth making a 'O' shape and eyes wide open, what she saw was an frowning Zoro standing by the entrance of the pub in a battle stance, two swords out of their scabbards.
She grasped's the situation more clearly now.

Zoro must have stopped the cyborgs attempt to take her away, and right on time, very unusual on the green-haired's part, not being know for his punctuality...
"So .. where do you think you are taking my nakama Huh?" Zoro say darkly , still wearing a frown, clenching the swords in his hands harder.



The tin-canned man just stares at him, expressionless with his gun in hand still raised towards Zoro, who he had fired at just moments ago.
They stood like that for a few seconds, is he mute or something an angry irk mark appears on Zoros forehead. So this was the dude who approached Mai, what is he really? Weird looking guy... is that gun his hand?
The green haired was just about to speak again when someone behind interrupt him.

"What the hell is going on here??"

Zoro glances behind him, the door to the pub is now wide open where a very shocked Usopp can be seen,eyes almost bulging out of their sockets, and mouth reaching all the way to the ground. He had probably heard all the ruckus happening right outside, why everyone else hasn't is beyond Mai.
But at that thought one by one, more people started to gather around the doorway trying to get a glims outside.

"Usopp get out of the way"

"Yeah , I can't see anything if you just stand there"

"Did I hear gunshots just now"

"Ooi , Usopp do you see Mai-chan? is she out there?"

The golden haired girl can't stop herself from smiling upon hearing her nakamas voices.
Relief is washing over her.

Luffy pushes Usopp out of the way so he falls forward face first on the hard ground.

"O~w.. bai ngosh (my nose)"

"Aa, wari (sorry)"

The whole crew steps out, standing in a line behind Zoro, gazing angrily at the possible enemy as the all grasp the situation rather quickly.

They see Mai on the ground behind the stranger. Sanji furrows is eyebrows deeply while taking a long inhale of his cigarette.

" you again... state your business, before I make you..." sanji say while taking a step forward along with Brook and chopper, Brook let's his hand rest on the sheath of his Katana while Chopper change in to heavy point making him much larger than his usual small form.
Luffy cracks his knuckles while wearing an intimidating look on his face.
"Who are you?" He bores his eyes at the big man before them while taking a quick glance at the blonde behind said man.
"You are not leaving with my nakama, you hear me!" The angry tone is clear, all of the crewmates straightened themselves at his words as of showing the mean real business.

At the sight of her friends she stands up slowly, testing if there is any damage but not feeling anything that serious, she too stands in a fighting stance ready for whatever is thrown at her. She is ready kick some butt! Tired of the poor treatment she has been receiving. 

All standing still and quiet, anticipating the next move. Ready to fight if needed.

The cyborg did not anticipate this scenario, as if the blondes crewmates would just let him leave with their nakama just like that without question... he knows when one is outnumbered and this is one of those times when it's better to retreat. He puts his gun down and turns around, and look right at the golden haired girl.
Everyone else takes one step forward watching carefully his next move.

" This is not the last you'll see of me, he will not stop...mark my words Amatsuki ... " the sentence is spoken in a almost whisper so Mai is positive that she is the only one who hears what the cyborgs is saying.
Causing a lump to form in the pit of her stomach with each spoken word.

the next second he walks away down the road in to the darkness till he disappears completely.

Mai just looks after him following him with her eyes with a dumbfounded experience.

Zoro puts his swords back in their scabbards with a swift move and the rest visibly relaxes when the man is out of sight. They all gather around Mai.
Relieved that nothing seriously bad happened.
But the blonde only feels burdened, she falls in to trouble over and over again, not feeling overjoyed with the fact that her crewmates always has to come for her rescue, being weak is not an option and that is what the headaches has made her.. making her loose focus and all her strength, she needs to get to the bottom with this.

"Mai I would like to examine you just in case.. let's go back to the ship"
chopper say with concern, causing Mai to render away from her thoughts.

"We should all go back... and cast off to get out on the open waters again" Nami comments sternly. She has had enough with the drama and can't wait for som peace and quiet.

So that's what they do, afterwards when they have left the island behind them and the ship is following a steady course to their next destination, also being already late as it is the crew parts ways to get some sleep, soon, new adventures is just up ahead.

"Everything looks good, just a couple of bruises but nothing serious.. how are the headaches? Any better" Chopper asks sitting in he's spin-chair at his desk across from Mai how is sitting on the patient bed.
She inhales deeply and exhale a loud sight.

" on the contrary , they are worsening.." she quickly continues " I think it has something to do with my memory loss.. I think am starting to remember" she looks dead serious into choppers eyes who is visible thinking it through with one hoof under his chin.

"Well , it is true that some things can trigger a memory to resurface when suffering of amnesia and it can cause stress on the body, leading to headaches, confusion along with other things" Chopper explains to the girl who looks more tired by the minute, so he stops there.

"You should go to bed Mai, it's been a long day and you need the sleep more than anyone" chopper motions the girl with both of his hoofs to leave the infirmary with him.

She has to admit she is extremely tired so she follows the small doctor's advice and leaves to hit that pillow with her face..

A small chapter but a chapter nonetheless. Enjoy!!
They will approach there next destination in the next chapter, so from now on I will follow the anime more or less ;)
Thanks again!

ONE PIECE x OC Another world, another life Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang