Chapter 12

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Morgan ~

"What the fuck" yelled a familiar Australian accent.


"I'll be right back" I told Justin

I walked out of the room and into the hallway with Luke.

"What the fuck was that?" He asked really mad

"What?! I needed someone luke! Someone to talk to! But no you weren't fucking there! Guess who was. HIM!" I yelled

"Morgan you just like cheated on me" he said

"Luke, Luke, Luke, we didn't have sex there for I didn't really cheat on you. And second of all I bet your cheating on me. I mean where were you last night ? Huh?" I asked

"Forget about me we are talking about you" he said

"Luke I guess I'm not good at this stuff cause I've never had a boyfriend before ok. Please don't hate me. I don't know what is what. I don't know how far to go with a guy or what to do with I guy. I lived in Britain with my mom for my whole life. That's why I have a British accent. I never had a dad to tell what guys like from a girl or how a girl should act to a guy. My mom didn't really know that stuff either. I guess that why my parents aren't together. Just I hope we can be friends Luke you are a really nice and sweet guy. And I do still have a little feeling for you I guess. But Luke I can't anymore. I'm sorry. I hope we can still be friend" I said. I gave it all I got

"Yeah whatever" he said and left.

I went back Into the room with Justin.

"Did u hear that?" I asked

"Yep. I'm guessing we are a thing now" he smiled like an idiot

"Yes" I said and he smiled even more

"Your now my smiling idiot" I kissed him and he kissed back.

"Ow " I said pulling away cause my lip started to hurt

"Oh shit sorry" he said

"It's fine" I said and laid back down on the bed and so did Justin.

We watched tv and talked awhile.

"Morgan why are you just now agreeing to date me when you didn't before ?" Justin asked

"I don't know I guess I was scared to be hurt by someone" I said

"But you went out with Luke" he stated

That got me thinking.

"Justin, when I first got here you were my best friend. The only person I had other than my dad. I didn't want to loose you or be hurt by you or hurt you or somehow you hate me. Cause that would just kill me. When you were mad at me for that period of time that's when I was the most unhappiest person alive. I'm just realizing that the only reason you rebel is because you love me and I have been pushing you aside. I'm sorry Justin. I love you" I said

"Well that was deep" he laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Tomorrow when u are feeling a little better lets go somewhere" I said

"Where?" I asked

"Anywhere" he said

"Tomorrow. It's a date" I said

"Absolutely" he kissed me and we went to sleep.


I woke up and Justin helped me put on this lotion medicine on to help my bruises.

"Dad I'm going out with Justin" I said

"Ok. Don't forget tomorrow night is family night" dad said.

Every Sunday night we have family night, and sometime during the week me and dad have father daughter night. Sometimes me and Jenna have mother daughter time or girl time but that's sometimes.

"I won't forget dad" I said and me and Justin walked out to his car.

"Where are we going" I asked

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked

"I don't know lets go get something to eat" I said and we left. We went to the Olive Garden.

"Morgan you have to eat more" Justin said

"I'm fine Justin" I said

"No you aren't. Look how skinny you are. " he said

"So I don't eat much. Deal with it" I said

"We aren't leaving till you finish that" he crossed his arms.

I sighed knowing I can't win this fight.

I finished my plate. Justin paid and we left.

"I could have paid" I told Justin in the car.

"I'm taking you out on a date. Therefore I shall pay" he said

"I feel fat" I truly feel fat right now cause I ate all that.

"Morgan please don't make me have to stop this car just to tell you how fucking perfect you are. Cause I will" he said

"Where are we going now?" I asked

"You ask a lot of questions don't you" he said

"Yeah" I said "there a problem with that"

"Not all" he kept driving. I turned on the radio to Justin's song

"Ugh this is the worst song ever" I joked

He just looked over at me with a hurt face.

"Geez Justin I was just joking" I said

"I know" he laughed "I was too"

"Oh. Oh." I sang at one of the parts with a really girly voice.

"I mastered your voice" I laughed

"Very funny" he said

We pulled into Justin's house.

"I want you to meet some of my friends" he said

He got out of the car and so did I.

"You didn't let me get the door for you" he wined

"So" I said

"I really wanted to" Justin said

I sat back in the car and closed the door. He opened the door for me and grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car.

"Happy now?" I asked


"Your suck a dork"

"Your dork"

"Yes yes you are" we walked into the living room.

"Morgan this is Chaz and Ryan, guys this is Morgan" Justin said

Justin's phone buzzed. He looked at his text and looked at Ryan and Chaz.

"Really guys. She's mine" he wrapped his arms around me.

"Gotcha " they said

We hung out with them till me and Justin left.

We went to the park with had an outdoor movie playing.

We set up and Blanket and laid down and watched the movie.

"This is very romantic" I said

"That's why I brought you here" he said siting me in his lap.

"I love you" I said

"I love you way more" he said

"Doubt that" I said and he kissed me.


Ummm yeah sorry it took so long to update 🙈
~ Josie

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