Chapter 8

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When I got to Luke's I already knew I still had tears on my face, if not stains. I knocked and waited patiently constantly running a shaky hand through my long hair.

Soon enough he answered the door. I immediately ran into him and held on tightly.

"Morgan?! I hope.." He said laughing.

I chuckled.

"Yeah. It's me. Could I come in?" I asked looking up at him.

"Anytime, c'mon in, love." He said bringing me inside of their lovely house before shutting the door. He walked me to the living room, and patted the seat next to hi on the couch. I sat with him where he seemed to be watching Lord Of The Rings, one of my all time favorite movies.

"I love this movie!" I said.

"Me too!" He laughed. His face soon turned to one if concern and he pulled me into him.

"Why'd you come by so sudden? And you've been crying?" He asked looking down at my face.

I griped his hand tighter at the though of what'd happened.

"Hey you okay? I'm here don't worry, you can tell me anything. Got that?" He said rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb.

I nodded.

"Well my dad's having a lot of friends over right now and like, I love then all but Dave grabbed me in the kitchen and kiss me forcefully and tried getting my clothes off and he wanted to rape me but I got loose and..and i ran away.."I said feeling goosebumps arrive as I spoke of the traumatizing event I'd just encountered.

He rubbed my arm and held me closer. He cupped my cheek and brought my eyes to his.

"I'll never let anybody hurt you.." He whispered. He kissed my lips lightly causing electricity flow through me. His lip ring felt a little funny but, it's just new. It felt different from when Justin had kissed me, but I didn't overthink it. He pulled away and smiled at me. I blushed and looked down.

"Hey, don't look down you're beautiful." He said smirking.

"Could I stay here tonight?" I asked hopeful he'd say yes.

"Of course. The other guys are sleeping so let's finish the movie and head off to bed." He smiled. I nodded in agreement and we continued watching our movie.


After the movie we went upstairs to his room and he tore his shirt and pants off. I watched his tone body walk around the room. He slipped on sweatpants, and jumped in bed. He then got back up and went to his drawer. He handed me an oversized t shirt. I turned my back to him and removed everything but my underwear. I slipped the shirt on and crawled into bed.

He hooked his arm around my waist an drought my to him. My head was on his chest and my arm was across his stomach. I closed my eyes and felt so at peace. Until he sat up grabbed my face, kissed my lips and laid back down presuming the same position.

"Goodnight kisses are really important." He giggled making me laugh.

"Agreed." I smiled closing my eyes once more.

"Goodnight, love." He said drawing various shapes on my arm with his calloused guitar fingers. It felt good, honestly.

"Goodnight, Luke." I said back feeling myself drifting from consciousness.


A/N: heyyyy guys sorry for being late with my updates. High schoollllll got me like sjwbgjancisngdi. Soo my updates may be a bit later than some,(sorry) but I will find every free time i can to update! Yesterday was my birthday AGHH! 15, finally .____. Haha. Feedback and constructive criticism is alway accepted! Thanks for reading guys, means a lot. I Love y'all. Adios👋💕🌌🌚

Xxx- Tay

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