Chapter 3

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Morgans P.O.V

I woke up remember last night. It was so funny.

After Dave kept poking my cheek dad had to talk to him and after the 'talk' he seemed sad and just sat there and watched the TV.

Me and Justin watched TV and laughed. I laughed at parts I wasn't supposed to. What. People think different things are funny than others do.

It was fun. But today I have no idea what going on. I got my shower and got read for the day.

"Morning dad" I said

"Morning sweetie, I literally love your accent" he said

"Why thank you" I said

"What are we doing today?" I asked.

"Boardwalk!" He said .

We walked on the boardwalk all day , it was a lot of fun.

1 week Later

"Get packed " dad said as I sat on the couch

"Why?" I asked

"We are going home" Jenna said

"Oh that's right" I said. They meant we are going back to the house in L.A. "I'll be back" I said , I went to my room and texted Justin to come over.

"Hey" he said coming into my room." What's up"

"I'm leaving" I said looking at the carpet


"I'm going home"


"No to L.A where my dad lives"

"Phewww" he said calling down

"I'm still leaving " I said

"I love right next to Channing Tatum which is your dad so we are good." He said. I calmed down to.

"Good cause I don't wanna leave you" I said and hugged him.

"And I don't want you to leave me" we hugged for awhile.

"I've never had a friend this close so soon. Like I just met u and we are so close" I said

"Same here. Oh and maybe you can just stay at my beach house with my family while your dad and Jenna go and we will just take you back" he suggested.

"OMG yes I'll ask my dad" I went downstairs and asked my dad while Justin called his mom.

"He said yes"

"She said yes"

Yay. I packed my stuff and we went to Justin beach house.

I met his family , his mom, little sister and brother and his dad. Yes his parents are divorced but they were all together for the vacation. It was awkward between his mom and dad. You can just feel it in the air.

"Well I love your accent, I've never met someone that has that much of a true accent, all the people I met their accent was fading away" pattie said

"Thank you" I said.

"We gonna go" Justin said.

"Go where?"


Me an Justin walked the boardwalk which was pretty fun.

He laced his fingers with mine and kept walking.

We went back to the beach house and went to bed. I was staying in the guest room. After getting a shower I laid down and tried to go to sleep , but I couldn't.

To many things were running threw my head.

What's gonna happen? Do I fit in? Do I even belong in America? Am I to different? I don't talk like everyone else... It that bad? Am I considered stupid here? Will I do anything with my life? Playing a guitar and singing... Is that good in America?

Sadly I didn't know the answer to any of those questions.

I got up and went to Justin's room. I walked in and he was laying there watching TV.

"Morgan why are you still up?" He asked

"I can't sleep" I said

"Come here" he said and opened his arms. I layed down and he wrapped his arms around me. "Was it a bad dream or were u scared " he asked

"Haha very funny. No I just don't know. I have a lot of questions that I don't even know the answers and I feel like I won't ever know the answers."

"Ask me them" he said

"It's fine " I said

"No no ask me" he said

"Am I normal?"


"Am I to different"


"Is my accent to different"


"Is anything gonna happen to my life"


"I have lots more questions but I'm not gonna ask u cause your just making me feel worse," I said and tried to get up , but Justin held me tight in his arms.

"Morgan, yes your not normal, yes your too different, yes your accent is to different, yes things are gonna happen to your life" he said "but those are the reason I love you. And if anyone makes fun of you because of that, forget them. They to messed up to know how beautiful you are" he added

"You know your a big flirt" I laughed and he laughed to.

"Yes I know"

"I know we aren't dating, but I love you too" I said . I layed there in his warm arms and went to sleep.


A/N -

Hey guys,

Hope you like!

Sorry for any mistakes...

ʕ·͡ˑ·ʔ Bear Bear ʕ·͡ˑ·ʔ

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