How you met (Rewrite)

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(Rewrite ver.)

Y/n - Your Name , h/l - hair length , h/c - hair color , e/c - eye color , s/c - skin color

Y/n L/n is a worker at the SCP Foundation . They have h/l h/c hair/no hair and e/c eyes . They work at Foundation around 10 month now . And they know about SCP (Number) and they think that they are (Your opinion on the scp that are here) . And after some time the Foundation needed a new interviewer to SCP (number) , because the last one was killed at the contained breach . So here you are-

SCP 035

"Okay dr. L/n you know that SCP 035 is a great manipulator , so we need you to be really cautious near him . Okay ?"

"I already know it . I have read the documents of this possessive mask ."

"Just reminding you ... Good luck"

"Thanks ."

Just as you said 'Thanks' they gave you a paper with the questions you need to ask 035 . You took the paper and entered the 035's containment cell and as you came in there the door behind you closed . You were also given the gun for some safety . 

"Well hello there . I see that you're a new one here ? Am I right ? "

"New to you . I work here for 10 month ."

"Sure . But how about you sit down and we'll have some friendly conversation ? "

"... Yeah . Friendly " - You walked to the table that was set for the interview and sat down - " So let's start the interview .

After the interview

"Well the interview is over . Thanks for cooperating ."

"Aw , no problem doc . Hope you won't die at this hell hole . See you soon "

"Well , thank you for such a positive farewell . "

"Again . No problem , darling "


"What? "

"*Sign* Okay ... It doesn't matter(It probably is . Am I right simps?) "

You stood up from your seat and went to the door as it opened you looked back at 035 . he just waved back at you and then put his hands behind his head.

*Did just SCP that I like call me darling . My brain is hurt . He could just do that as a sarcasm or did he read my mind . Did I think about him while we had a 'conversation' ?(I mean you could . Cause it's hard to control your thoughts so you did think of this mf while the interview .) If he was reading my mind . Well then - It's probably unexpected for him . And poor him that he have read my mind *(If I was in this situation I would think about some strange shit and my thoughts could change at any time- . Yeah , just continue reading the usual fanfiction that you came for )

SCP 049 

"You know the usual , don't you ? "

"Don't let his hand touch you . Yeah ."

"Be careful . Okay ?"

"I'll try ." - You were currently in 049's cell already sitting at the interview table and after sometime 2 guards came with plague doctor . He had a metal handcuffs and collar((?). OR HOW DO YOU CALL IT . HELP) on him . They let him sit down and then they took off the metal collar .

"Thank you , I am happy that you accepted my request of taking the collar off (I KNOW WHAT YOU SIMPS AND NOT SIMPS THINK ABOUT... Same-). And greetings , you are a new doctor ? Am I right ? "

"Uhhh . Yeah , I'm the new interviewer , so let begin ?" - you said as you looked at the paper with the questions .

"Of course . But , can I know your name firstly , good doctor ?"

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