Chapter 3

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A week had came and went within the time we had told the others the bad news, and now. The circus was preforming their scheduled show and everything seemed perfectly fine. To the onlooking crowd that is. Under the happy faces of my friends and I was nothing but fear, dread and anxiety.

All of us were worried about Mickey, but he carried on as he usually did. One thing had changed though, he didn't go out as frequently as he used to. No one else notices it but me, Mickey is just afraid to have an attack in public. He wants to maintain his reputation with the kids. I wish he didn't care care so much about it, but I can't change what he thinks. He won't listen to me if I tried, anyway.

I don't know why I'm trying to look happy for the crowd, I'm in the back of it anyway. I haven't been part of the show for awhile since. . .

No, don't think about it. Most people forgot I was ever in it to begin with. I have to admit, the music my friends play at these shows it quite repetitive. I can't stand it anymore. I would leave, but my kids are hear so I can't.

Suddenly, Mickey's face changed, not by much but it changed. He still looked like he was enjoying himself, but he also looked like he was in pain. He's having an attack, I realized. Mickey's keeping up the show as if nothing's happened, he's holding it back. Thank god the show would be over soon. . .


I practically sprinted to my brother after the music stopped playing, Minnie had obviously noticed his expression as well as she was already with her mouse friend.

"I already told you Min, I'm fine!" Mickey tried to reassure her.

"No, I won't believe it!" Minnie said sternly, "You're not fine Mickey, you just had an attack for crying out loud." She looked desperate, not wanting him to lie to her.

Mickey tried to say something but couldn't, a cough replacing whatever word might have come out. "You know she's right bro," Both mice were surprised by my voice, "It's a fact that you're not okay and you shouldn't keep running from it."

"I just don't want this to get in the way of me living my life with all my friends." His voice was quiet and hushed.

"It doesn't have to get in the way, unless you stop pretending it isn't there." Minnie had cupped my brothers head in her hands, at which he blushed profusely.

"This will become normal at some point, mick." I crouched down next to the two, "Just like it did before with Ortensia."

My friends were once again shocked as I smiled at them. I hadn't mentioned her name to anyone but Donald in the past months. Now though, I wasn't afraid to like I had once been.

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