Chapter 7

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*Sorry for not updating in a few months, I haven't had the motivation to write and I'm still fairly young so I've bern focusing on school. I have had an idea for this chapter in my head for about two or three weeks now, so I think it's time to finally write it out. This chapter will take place a week after the last Chapter. Again, I'm sorry for kind of ditching this story.*

In the past few days since we had all gone to the park, I have been lurking around my brother more than I should have. Or, I guess you could say I was being more of a helicopter parent to Mickey than I was my own kids. After we had left the park, Mickey did end up having an attack, in fact he's had several or more in the past three days. His health keeps on rapidly deteriorating, and by each passing day it makes me more and more anxious.

He's only had the illness for a few months at most. And yet Mickey's coming close to being in the same place both physically and mentally that Ortensia was, before -

My eyes start to tear up as I put more thought into it. I hate to admit it, but I still haven't been able to fully grasp onto Mickey having the ink illness at all. It just seems so recently that Ortensia came down with, and now. If I was barely able to handle it then, how am I supposed to make it through now.

I lift my hand to my face, wiping the tears that had just started to fall, afterward my arm hung limp again. My knuckles briefly grazed the top of the trunk I was sitting on as footsteps echoed from around the corner.

"Oswald?" My brother's voice began slowly dragging me back to reality, "Are you over here?" His hand grasped to wall as he peaked his head around the corner.

"Yeah, I'm here. Did you need something, Mick?" His expression seemed saddened.

Mickey hesitated before speaking again, "Since a few days ago, I've noticed that you're not acting like yourself, Ozzie."


"It's not that there's something wrong with you, but I've noticed that you've been really emotional lately." I let out a low laugh mixed with a sigh. He really was good at reading others, it's one of his best quality's.

"But I've also noticed that," He started to fidget with his fingers as he came completly around the corner, "You're only that way around me, as if your afraid I'm going to disappear right in front of you."

I looked down slightly, adjusting my postition. I realized that I've been trying so hard to help him out lately that I haven't been able to take the slightest bit of a break.

"I have been like that, haven't I." I trailed off on the last word, closing my eyes. When I reopened them, Mickey had sat down next to me on the trunk.

"If you're feeling down, Ozzie, you can always tell me about it!" He smiled at me, but his smile had faded from its happiest during the last few months.

"It's just that," I sighed, trying to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to say, "I want to be there for you in case something goes wrong."

"All our friends know how to handle this too, someone will always be someone there for me. You don't have to worry about that,Ozzie."

"But what if they aren't," I looked over at him, tears started to prick the corner of my eyes again. "What if there's just one time you have an attack, and there's no one there to help you."

"You could get seriously hurt, or even worse and no one would've been there!" The tears started to flow.

Mickey put his hand on my shoulder, "That won't ever happen Ozzie, I promise it won't! I'm rarely ever alone, and when I am it's not for longer than five minutes."

He had a point, even before there was always someone by him. My nerves calmed, as I pulled my little brother into a hug.

"Just promise me, that nothing will happen to you."

I could feel Mickey smile into my shoulder, "I already did."

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