Update Chapter 4

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Hey, everyone! The remake of Not again is coming along really well. I can't say when it'll be publised but I can say that I want to have it out by the end of august/start of september.

I have been working on this everyday only taking one day break including for my birthday tomorrow if you exclude weekends. I've made this little fanfiction into a full time project of mine, and I'm happy to be working on it.
Although working on this fanfic has opened my eyes to a few things, one being that the 10 chapters I originally planned on writing will probably be expanded to at least 15-20 chapters by the time I'm done writing and figyring out the plot.

The other thing it's opened my eyes on I will make a seperate post about through the conversatipn tab later on either today or tomorrow.

With all that said, I am about half way done with the production of this story! I've got the initial plot concept down, I have all the character's personalities mapped out from my own personal views and the original comic. I'm about a third of the way done writing out the full plot. The only thing I haven't done is write the rough and final drafts of the chapters and come up with a new name.

The name part is especially hard, only because I've come to know this small story as Not Again and trying to refer to it by another name makes it feel so far away from my original view of it. All in all,I may just stick with Not Again as the title if I don't come up with something that satisfies me by the end of this process.

But on a real note here, I can't believe the success that this story has! Even though it's small, (only about 360 reads), that still means something to me. I will elaborate more on this in the conversation tab post later.

Can you guys believe that the first chapter of this story was posted on December 18th, 2020? We're so close the one year anniversary already. It's weird how time flies, but looking back on that date makes a part of me want to post the new version on that date. Just for nostalgia reason, honestly. I'm not going to do that unless it takes me until then to finish the remake, I can't wait that long to get this out to you guys!

I really proud of the story I'm developing and I'm so happy to be able to share it with you guys, hopefully by the end of the summer or earlier. Until tge bext update,the conversation tab post if you choose to read it, or until the remake is finished and published!

See y'all soon!

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