Chapter 4

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*Sorry for the late chapter! I was very focused on school for the last week or so and didn't really have time to write due to midterms. I promise I'll make more time to write!*

I looked out my bedroom window at the countless stars that dotted the night sky. I hadn't been able to sleep for about two days now. Every time I even tried to sleep I had a nightmare of either my wife, or my brother. You could assume that neither ended well, and you'd be right. Each one ended in the death of my loved ones, and I was sick of it. My children had begun to catch on to my sleep deprived state, but not much. I've resorted to cups upon cups of coffee to keep me awake, it wasn't good for me but I managed.

A cloud over took the moon and its faint glow faded to nothing. I realized that the circular shape wasn't that high in the sky, so dawn should break soon. Maybe I should go outside and watch the sunrise. I haven't done that in a while, especially alone since the last time I did it with Ortens-

. . .

I felt the hot sting of tears in my eyes. I thought I was over her. . . I thought I had finally done it, but now I'm straight back to the drawing board again. I started breaking down as more and more memories came back to me. It was growing to be too much for me to handle. I needed to get some fresh air, but I didn't want to disturb the kids. The only other way outside was through the window. Lifting up the pane, I maneuvered myself through the opening and onto the grass below. I eventually decided to go sit and watch the sunrise after I calmed down a bit.

The sun rose with a red-orange glow that was mixed with the blue-ish black of the remaining night sky. It was a truly beautiful sight, but I didn't expect someone to join me. Donald had come up beside me only moments ago, not saying anything but, "Hey". Apparently I wasn't the only one who barley got any sleep amongst my friend group. In the corner of my eye, I saw Donald shift. It looked as if he was going to ask me something but stopped himself. He was probably going to ask why I was crying, slivers of tears still remained on my face. My duck friend had obviously figured out my reason and continued to look at the great glow before us.


"Why don't we all go down to the park for a picnic!" Daisy took a basket out from behind her back, showing it's contents to all our friends. There was plates, napkins and sandwiches, "I've already packed for all of us."

I looked at Daisy with a blank expression, I didn't mind a picnic, I needed to get my mind back on track from this morning anyway. "Sure thing, Daisy! That'd be great, I'm sure we're all up for it!" My brother exclaimed, raising his fist a few inches into the air. It's great seeing Mickey act unfazed by his current predicament. I was proud of him for handling this so well and it was as if he was proud of me too, although I wasn't handling any of this well at all. 

As we walked to the park, Donald stopped in front of me and turned around, "Okay, I want answers." He had crossed his arms and was standing directly in my path.

"Answers to what?" I tried to dodge the question as much as possible.

"You know what," Donald looked at me sternly, "Why were you crying this morning?"

"Oh, that. . ." My mind spiraled as I tried to think of an answer that he wouldn't call me out on, or even get the slightest hint that I was lying, "My eyes had just started to water from the sun." Donald obviously wasn't buying it, I wasn't either. "It's said that you shouldn't look directly into the sun, but I did and look what happened."

He seemed to be convinced only a little by this, but I could tell that he wasn't going to be asking any questions. Donald sighed, "Fine, I guess that's all I had to ask. Let's catch up with the others." He stopped again.

"Are you absolutely sure that you're okay, Oswald?" Donald Questioned again.

"Yes, Donald, I'm fine! Always have been always will be." The duck squinted with concern and began to walk again with me just behind him.

. . .

I asked myself again . . . When will saying I was fine not be believable anymore?

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