New world, new life

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I woke up by the sun's rays through the balcony. I felt something warm yet slightly cold under my head. Slowly turning around I saw Loki looking at me.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" He asked as I stared at him.

"I slept well. What about you?" I asked back. He just chuckled and played with my hair.

"It was fine. Better now that you are here."

"How come it was better?"

"I have someone in the world that doesn't hate me." His eyes looked away towards the balcony. 

I smiled and sat up and rubbed my eyes. He sat up next to me and rubbed his eyes as well.

"We better get dressed and ready for breakfast." He walked to the large closet and picked out his clothes. I awkwardly looked around the room because I didn't have another set of clothes.

Loki stood next to me and gave me an entire outfit with the colours of green and black. A black long sleeve tight shirt, black pants with a green stripe at the side. Black boots, a green and black leather jacket. It reminded me of Blackwidow's outfit. At least it looked good on me.

"Let's go." Loki took my hand and led me down to the dining area. Everyone was already down there.

"So how did you sleep?" Thor asked me as soon as we were in the.... I think the kitchen.

"Good what about you?" I asked back.

"Wonderful now that we have you in Asgard." He smiled a cheeky smile.

"So what are we going to do today?" Tony asked putting his hands behind his neck.

"I think nothing. . .besides doing some duels perhaps?" Thor said casually. 

"Duels? Like fight to hurt or fight to the death?" Clint asked while drinking from his glass.

"Both." Loki said without giving a second glance.

"Oh so its that kind of fighting we are talking about." Steve shrugged his shoulders and got his shield.

We heard a voice coming from the other side of the room. "So you are going to duel without us?" Lady Sif came up with the Warriors Three.

"Of course not. What about team versus team?"

"What do you mean by that?" Natasha asked looking at everyone.

"Me, Loki, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three against you guys except for Jacob and Aria." Thor said after reaching for his hammer.

"That seems legitimate enough." Bruce said.

"So. . .When do we start?" Loki asked.


Dun dun DUNNNNNN!!!!! It be a cliffhanger!!!! Lol wat do you think will happen during the duel. Im deciding whether or not to have people looking at them or naw. . . Oh well. For those 1D fans out there I will be starting the first chapter today. Pls read it wen it ready and tell me wat you think.

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