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The worst part about being with my enemies is fighting with them. I know mother and father gave me a second chance to be with the people of Asgard and to keep up my behavior I to do something productive. So why not fight enemies and be with them at the same time? Honesty this was not really a good idea.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" I asked Thor before going outside the practice ring.

"What do you mean?" He asked back.

"I mean letting them have their weapons and we have ours. Seriously, someone could get hurt." I pointed out the obvious.

"Relax brother. No one will get hurt because of the difference in weapons. Except Bruce because we don't want that to happen do we?" He joked. I chuckled along with him.

"Well, well, the brothers finally getting along at last. Hmm?" Vollstragg said behind us.

"Yeah, don't get too used to it." I said getting into the ring. As soon as the sun hit my face I could see that many people turned up to watch the fight. Father and Mother were watching from their special spot in the shade away from the sun. Even Aria and Jacob were watching with them.

"Introducing, Thor, Lady Sif, the warriors Three and Loki!" The announcer called out into the crowd.

Cheers and screams were heard as soon as we ran through the archway. Ever since I came back and attempted to change my ways, everyone started to trust me again. But would they actually open up to me.

"Now introducing the newcomers! Black Widow, Hawkeye, Bruce Banner, Ironman, and Captain America!" They came out wearing their outfits that they defeated me with. Always hated those outfits since the day I met them on that aircraft.

"You all know the rules. But I'm pretty sure the new guys don't. They are very simple. No maiming, wounds or any other fatal injuries. Just fighting for the most points on either side. By passing the 'ball' to the other goal but everyone has to touch it in order to get the point."

The ball was more clear and made out of glass. The color changes from red to blue when a team member touches it. Thor was red and the others were blue. On the mark of the countdown to 3 the bell rang and the fight started.

Thor hit the ball and passed it to Sif. She held on as she fought Black Widow, but lost it to Tony when he flew in and knocked her down. I went towards Cap. America and tried to knock him down.

He threw a punch and I dodged it. No one knew what was going to happen next. He aimed for my lower stomach and I didn't dodge in time. I felt the pain through my stomach and I fell down in pain.

"Oh my god! Loki are you alright?!" He exclaimed and went to my side. As soon as he got close enough to see my face, I smirked and glowed away. While he was distracted, I was actually on the other side beside the goal with the ball in my hand. It was glowing the color red of my team. Everyone's faces was surprised except everyone else. I threw it into the goal getting us a point. The cheers were loud and happy.

The game continued and we were winning by one point. Until up to one point.

I was fighting against Hawkeye when it happened. He tried to throw a punch to my stomach but he missed. I also threw a punch towards his arms and got him on he floor. He kicked me off balance and I fell to the floor but as I fell, I fell on top of him. In the most awkwardness of places to fall. . . I fell face first into the AREA.

I scrambled back onto my butt and scooted away in horror. At this point I was absolutely embarrassed and tried to hide my face like a little kid.

"Oh my god! Loki!" Sif came to my side and embraced me in a hug. Instinctively I hid my face in her shoulder on wanting to look at anybody.

"That's not awkward." Tony faceplamed him self and shook his head.

"Thor's team wins!!" The announcer called out and everyone cheered with excitement. After each battle there is always a party to celebrate the victors whoever they may be. Thor and the Warriors Three came to me and Sif. We walked out of the stadium and into the washrooms to remove all of the effort we had into the battle.

"I am so sorry, Loki!" Hawkeye came up to me and started to apologize.

"It's alright. I fell onto you." I said back.

We hugged it out

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