Chapter 2: Aria Bella Soul

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Aria Bella Soul

My last class of the day is physical education. It's fun in most ways but its really hard. We finally finished the game of tennis before Spring break.

"Bye Mrs. B!" I shouted over the bell waving goodbye. My friend Zachary James was walking with me because this is the last rehearsal of the play before going on break. In the hallway my friends Lucy Rose Hill and Lexi Snow were talking.

"Hey guys! Ready to go to Drama club?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course!" They said together. We laughed and started walking. Our play is called "Kilroy Was Here!" based in the 1940's. One of the funniest plays I've been in so far. My friends are extras where as I play Pamela Skipworth, top news reporter of Life magazine. But I don't come until the second act. My friends Ross and Kyle are already there and waiting for me and my friends.

"I think we are going over the second act today, so get ready." Ross warned me.

"Don't worry I'm ready." I replied back with a smile. We go until 5 pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And that's until the play which is in maybe 2 months. Mrs. Anderson was ready to go and so were we, starting with the first scene and act 2.

She gives us about a 10 minute break. So around 3:25 to 3:35. 

"So what are you doing over Spring break Ari?" Ross asked me.

"Nothing as usual. Just sitting around being lazy, watching videos of the Avengers defending New York." I answered back.  

"The Avengers are awesome. Especially Thor!" Hailey came up behind me and sat right behind me.

"How can you not love them. But I think Captain America is better, just saying." Lexi said.

"What about Loki?" I asked looking at everyone. There was dead silence right as I asked that question.

"He tried to take over the world. He's a bad guy period." Lucy decided.

"Come on, he can't be all that bad. Have you not seen the blog that was posted by Tony Stark on his wall? Thor was asked questions and Black Widow wrote them down." I testified.

"Phft. whatever. I still say that he is a bad guy." Kyle agreed with everyone else.

"See this hand?" I said with my palm in front of them, "This is the 'I don't care' sign." Then all of a sudden all of the lights went out. And oddly it was dark outside, even though just a few seconds ago it was sunny and bright outside. What is going on?

"What is going on? Why are the lights out?" Were some of the questions that were asked by everyone on the stage.

I was about to tell everyone that something must have happened to the electricity caused by the storm but before I could my mouth was covered by hand and I couldn't move my arms and legs. I was being kidnapped. I tried to scream but it was muffled by duct tape.

"WHERE'S ARIA?!" Lexi yelled once she saw that I wasn't there.

"Make a run for it!" Did I hear that voice right? it was the voice of. . . Hawk-eye. Oh gods I'm being taken by the Hawk-eye. Now I really try to struggle.

"Guys, she's struggling. Should I tranquilize her now?" That was the voice of Ironman. . . He is wearing the suit. Wait why is he here? Unless. . . Im being taken The Avengers. . . This time I scream as loud as I can.

"That's her scream! Mrs. Anderson, I think Aria is being kidnapped!" Lucy cried out.

"Quick call the police!" Someone shouted across the room.

"What should we do now? If the police come into this then we will have now choice but to give her up." The voice of Captain America complained.

"We can't do that, then he'll be heartbroken if he doesn't see her and tell her everything." I heard Black Widow in the back of me. It was dark everywhere, so I couldn't see anything at all. I could only hear them and feel them move around.

"Thor, buddy, what do you suggest we do?" Bruce Banner said at the other side of me. 

"We don't give up. . . But what if we do this instead?" I could tell that he made a gesture to move in closer because I couldn't hear he was saying. Darn whispering. "Are we clear on the plan?"  

"Yes sir." Then we began to move again and now i was nervous. What are they doing? I was getting nervous, I can't see anything inside the school. Soon we stopped and my hand and feet were loose from a tight grip. My mouth wasn't covered with duct tape. Turning around, I made a run for it, but I bumped into something hard and metal. 

"Ow, " I complained as I rubbed my forehead. "What did I run into?" The lights came on right after I said those words. Opening my eyes after being blinded by lights, I saw a red cape and . . . battle armor. I slowly walked backward with my mouth wide open, until I was stopped by 2 other body's blocking my way. It was Captain America and Black widow. Last thing I remember was a voice saying "Now you've done it." before I fell into Thor's arms.


"Now you've done it." I said as I saw Ari fall into my brother's arms.

"It's not our fault. They were going to call the police." That red, white and blue patriot answered back at me.

"So what's your plan now, oh great Avengers? Are you just going to let her be faint?"

"We are going to give her back but we are going with her. That's the plan." Hawkeye snapped at me.

"Oh great. Don't you have anything else to wear besides those things you call uniforms." I snapped back at him while leaning against the wall.

"Yes, we also brought some for you. Each donated by Steve, Tony and Clint." Natasha said politely while putting some clothes in my hands.

"They are not donated! You took them before we even left on this trip!" Tony complained.

"Shhh! Besides you won't even miss them and Loki needs to blend in with everyone. . . Not like the last time he was here." She glared at them and at me as well. I put my hands up in surrender.  

"Let's just get dressed quickly and  . . . wing it from there." Bruce (the big green monster) instructed.

So all went into the bathroom and got changed. It was difficult and embarrassing for having Thor telling me what I supposed to wear. Tony, Bruce, Steve and Clint just laughed at me really bad. We came back out and Natasha was already outside next to Ari carressing her hair.

"Are we good?" She asked. We all just nodded.

"Who's going to carry Aria?" Clint asked.

"I'll carry her." I said as I started to carry her bridal style. Everyone except Thor started to shake their heads and complain but Thor stopped them.

"Let him carry his own sister for gods sake. He deserves it," He pleaded. "He hasn't done anything bad for the past week. Just commited to finding her."

A long pause came from them as they thought about it. But then it was interrupted by Aria groaning and trying to turn in my arms. I shushed her, softly, and she went back into her original state.  

"We might as well just bring her back and tell everyone . . . something." Steve said and started walking to were they grabbed her. I just shrugged and followed him. I looked back and everyone was just following us. This day couldnt get any "better."


So Chapter 2 finally after so many days. Tried to add somethings that be funny. Comment to have your share in what happens next. Hopefully i will update faster but in the meantime you just have to be patient. Unlike Loki who wants to get everything done, anyway more of the story coming soon hope you enjoyed and see you next time!

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