Weirdness and confessions?

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Aria Bella Soul

My head was aching and I can't remember where I was. All I remember was running into something hard and then seeing Thor, Captain America and Black Widow. And that voice. It was familiar but I fainted at that point. I groaned and tried to move. Someone shushed softly and I stopped moving. I was very comfortable in this person's arms. I listened to my surroundings and heard a conversation.

"She seems to like you." I heard Thor say next to my head.

"I guess so. She looks so peaceful." I heard. . . Loki's voice above me. Loki is holding me like a child. . .Whoa.

"Well you are related to her, so maybe she feels at home in your embrace."  Captian America reponded. I'm so tempted to open my eyes but I don't. We stopped right as we heard my friend Zack's voice.

"What the?" He called out. i opened my eyes slowly and  they came into focus. First thing I saw was a green shirt and kind of buffy biceps. Then I looked up. His face  was serious and showed very little emotion. He wasn't looking at me but forward. His hair looked a little longer then Thor's hair last year when they fought in New York. I brought up my index finger slowly and poked him. Almost immediately he looked down into my eyes. His eyes actually ahd happinedd in them, so I smiled at him.

"Well look who's awake." I saw Tony Stark come up behind Loki. All I did was wave "hello" and stayed silent.

"Guess she can't speak at the moment." Thor said behind me.

"Or maybe she is scared because Loki, the god of mischif, is holding her!" I moved my head to his voice and it was Jacob Frost. One of my best friends. He is always so protective of me.

"Please put her down." He asked kindly with his arms crossed.

"I don't think she wants to though."  Tony pointed out. Thor was kind of in front of me. Almost in a protcective stance.

"What makes you say that?" You obviously took her while we were literally in the dark." Lucy confronted Tony.

"Oh yeah, well about the taking her bit?" Bruce nervoudly laughed.  

"What about it?" Jacob said crossing his arms. 

"How about if I tell them what we are really doing here?" Loki asked calmly and carefully. That's when I noticed that I was being put on the back of Thor. 

"Are you okay on his back?" Loki asked in front of me. I just nodded and closed my eyes. I was feeling really sleepy. Someone went up to Thor while Loki was talking to my drama club. 

"We put the sleeping ointment on your shirt ao she can be asleep as we go." Natasha (Black Widow) whispered into Thor's ear. That made me wonder, where are they taking me?

"...And that's why we need her.She is very important to m...I mean us." Loki was done talking to my friends. But the sad part was that I didnt hear what he said to them.

"Well you still can't take her away. W-we need her for the play." Lexi defended.

"She's tired and falling asleep. Maybe we should bring her back home." Bruce said, totally ignoring what Lexi said trying to keep me for a while longer.

My eyes were trying to stay open. I saw Loki come over to me with his arms kind of toward me. Slowly Thor took me down and into Loki. I wrapped my arms and legs around him so I couldn't fall off.  He put one arm on my back and the other arm on my legs.

"Wait," I finally spoke up as we started to walk away. "Let some of my friends come along, please?"

I looked at all of them with pleding eyes and felt Loki sigh against my chest.

"How about it brother? Just a few to keep her company?" He asked Thor. I could tell that everyone thought it was a good idea.

"Alright but only one and that's it." Thor answered.

"Jacob. . .Let's go on an adventure. . ." I called out my voice slowly drifting off into nothing. I was almost asleep.

"Okay, let's get this going before EyePatch gets mad." Tony scoffed with a sarastic tone. Loki started to hold me tighter not wanting for me to fall off. Soon I was dreaming of him holding me.


Aria fell asleep in my arms so peacefully. The cars were waiting with the engine running at the front.

"So who goes with who?" Steve asked. Yes I knew the names of all of them. It's one of the things that I had to do in order for them to help me.

"Steve, Tony, Bruce and Jacob go in the second car. Clint, myself, Thor, Loki and Aria go in the first car. How about that?" Natasha suggested. I have to admit, she is a fast thinker.

"That's a good plan. . . But how are we going to tell Fury that we have one extra kid?" Tony asked nervously.

"We will get to that when we get to Stark tower." Steve said while getting into the car.

"We're going to Stark tower?" Aria's friend said excitedly.

"Where else are we going to stay?" Tony said also getting into the car.

All of us finally got into our seperate cars and started to go. Clint and Natasha were sitting in front of me, Thor and Aria. It was almost like a limo but smaller. Aria put her head on my shoulder and I saw Thor already sleeping with his head against the window. I too, was starting to feel a little sleepy. Natasha was smiling at me.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped at her.

"Nothing. It's just so adorable. How she just didn't run away from you when she woke up? Aren't you wondering why she didn't run?" She asked.

". . . Of course I'm wondering why she didn't run. Everyone always does." I put my elbow on the window sill and looked out. Then I put then downcast and slowly looked up at her. All she did was smile and leaned on Clint's shoulder. My eyes were starting to feel heavy so I leaned my head against Aria's head. She cuddled me while I put my arm around her to try and keep her warm and comfortable. Then I fell into a dark sleep.

Soooooooo helloooooo everybody!!!!!!! That is actually spending time reading my fanfic!!!! To proud of myself lol. Jk. Anyway sorry for not doing the nxt chp. I just got really busy at school and u all know how it is am I rite!?!?! Any way I finally got a new phone so I will be either updating from my phone or my computar. Hope u all liked the nxt chp. The other one will come in soon I wrote it all on paper so that fun. Anyways I will tylry and get the nxt chappie going for you. But it is near the family time if u know what I mean. . BABY ITS COLD OUTSIDE.....LOLOLOLOL im just really happyn anyway. The other book im doing will also hav the nxt chappie. Hopefully later today!MMMKAAYY BYEEEEE

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