Where are we going?

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I woke up staring at a ceiling. We were inside the jet that we used from S.H.E.I.L.D to find Aria. I turned my head to my left side and there she was laying on a couch a few feet away from mine. Blanket wrapped around her, back facing me. A blanket was wrapped around me as well with a pillow under my head.

A door opened up and Thor came striding in. "Good evening, brother. Sleep well?"

"Very. . . Good actually. How about you?" I asked back.

"Oddly the same. I believe that the ointment passed on to the two of us." He sat at the edge of the couch and looked at me.

"It was on you when you held Ari, went on her, then to me as I held her the rest of the way." I pointed out.

Then he started laughing causing me to laugh back. It was a bit funny really. After a while, we stopped laughing but just smiled at each other.

"It has been too long since we laughed together." He said breaking the silence.

"It has." I said back.

Something moved in the corner of my eye. I looked left and it was Ari moving into a sitting position. Thor stood at the edge while I also got into a sitting position. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, trying to remove her sleepiness. Her hair was wacky and looking ridiculous with it all pointed different ways. I almost laughed again. Almost. Then she looked around her surroundings, stopping at me and Thor at the other side of the room. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open.

"Good evening. Did you sleep well?" I asked standing up.

"Uh. . . Good, I guess. What about you?" She asked back nervously.

I smiled a bit. "Mine was good too. Thanks for asking." She didn't really smile or laugh. Her eyes just showed a little. . . Fear. Now I was getting a little nervous.

"Well how about we get dinner?" Thor inturrupted the awkward silence.

"Okay." Ari said while getting up. Thor took her hand and led her her to the mini kitchen near the main room. I just followed them from behind. Seeing Ari nervous was making me a little mad. I was trying to stay in control. We walked into the kitchen where everyone was either standing up or sitting down.

"Hey there sleeping beauty." Tony said with sarcasm.

"Hahaha very funny." I sarcastically said back.

"We are almost to Stark tower. There we can relax and settle down before talking to Fury in the morning." Steve instructed while leaning on the counter drinking coffee. 

"Thank god. It's been a while since the last time we slept in actual beds." Bruce said rubbing his neck.

"Well anyway, what do you guys want to eat?" Natasha asked going to the refrigerator.

"Actually, do you know where Jacob is? Last thing I remember was calling Jacob to come with me." Aria recalled.

"I think he's still sleeping." I answered.

"Oh okay." She said not letting go of Thor's hand.

"Thor, do you want some coffee?" Clint asked.

"Maybe later. I need to look after these little ones." He pointed to me and Aria.

"Hey. I'm not a child anymore, Thor. I can look after myself." I defended myself.

"Mother was very clear on who is looking after who. Wasn't she?" He said looking at me like mother would.

I just scoffed and looked away. Keep trying to stay in control. I thought to myself.

15 minutes until we reach Stark tower sir. Said a male voice coming from all around the ship.

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