The Hosptial

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Bakugo's POV:

My heart started racing. What happened to Kirishima!


Those four idiots in the hero studies had been acting weird for a while now, but they weren't allowed to say anything about it. It hurt me seeing the toll it took on Kirishima, but I could never show that to him. I can't tell him how much he means to me. But whatever it was, it was affecting that Deku more than anyone else. I hated that too, but we are so far from being friends. I am trying to be better, but I don't know what to do, our "friendship," if you can even call it that, is so warped. The girls didn't look too good, but they were only on the back of my mind. All of it made me mad though, I didn't get my Hero License and they were leaving me behind because of it. I hate that.

This morning I was on my run when I saw those four leave, I made sure they didn't see me, but it was weird that they all left together, all with a really determined look in their eyes. Something must be going down.

After I get back from my jog I go up to my dorm and take a shower.

I want to talk to Kirishima about everything. I want to know what has been bothering him. I want to talk to him about how he saved me, how I ended All Might, I want to tell him everything that I have done in the past. He's my best friend. He's more than my best friend. But I am afraid that if I tell him that he won't want to be with me, that he won't even want to be friends.

Class ends a little early, giving us extra time before lunch. I pull up the news on my phone and my mouth drops. My heart starts racing. The article title is "Heroes have finally taken down the Shie Hassaikai." I keep on reading. "Pro heroes including number 9 Hero Ryuku, All Might's former sidekick Sir Nighteye, UA teacher Eraser Head, Fat Gum, Rock Lock, and many more have teamed up this morning and raided the Shie Hassaikai stronghold. They had evidence of both the organization torturing a little girl and making illegal quirk erasing bullets." My body shivers as I read that. How could they torture a little girl and why? And what is with those bullets? Can they really take away someone's quirk?

"There were no civilian casualties; however, many of the pro heroes as well as their sidekicks and UA student interns have taken a lot of damage. The young head of the organization, Kai Chisaki was being transported to Tartarus along with the quirk erasing bullets when the transport was attacked by the League of Villains. The Sand Hero: Snatch, fought back against them, but he disappeared from the scene. It is speculated that the league either killed the hero or captured him."

A lot is going through my mind. Are all of the heroes okay? Is Deku okay? What about Kirishima?!? I hope he's okay and nothing happened to him. And the league attacked that Kai guy, I wonder why?

"What is known, however, is that the League cut off both of Chisaki's hands, disabling him from using his quirk ever again and took the quirk erasing bullets; 4 in total. The police are still investigating the incident but it brings about a bitterness to the accomplishments made by pro heroes this morning."

I have to know what happened. The article says that the pros took a lot of damage and if they did then there is no way that Kirishima and the rest of them didn't. I had no idea. That's why they had been acting so weird lately, that is why they left this morning. It also explains why Aizawa wasn't here for class. I look around and see everyone still in their seats, talking to the person next to them. I quickly get up and say that I am going to the bathroom. If I leave now I will have just enough time to make it back to class before lunch ends.

I leave the main building of UA. I have to make sure everyone's okay, even if they don't know that I did. No, I have to make sure they don't know that I checked up on them.

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