In That Way

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That night


Bakugo sits in his room, his window up, but the curtains blocking the hole. Mr. Aizawa had told the class they weren't allowed to talk to Bakugo until the weekend and even put up a sign on his door saying he wasn't allowed to leave (until the rest were at school) and no one was allowed in.

Everyone in the class had been texting a group chat, but he didn't bother responding, he didn't care enough to do so. However, he did text one shark tooth boy, at least telling him exactly what to do.

As Bakugo looks up at the ceiling in his chair, his legs wide, his back arched and his neck leaning over the top of the chair, all of the numbers change on his alarm clock simultaneously to 10:00.

Just as the numbers change a thud can be heard outside and the blinds, blocking the opening in the window, shift before a hand reaches through and pushes the blinds completely to the side. As the blinds move, bright red hair can be seen, followed by the rest of Kirishima. He makes his way through the window and a bright smile on his face appears, looking directly at Bakugo, who is pretending he doesn't know the boy is there.

At the sight of Bakugo, Kirishima runs over and gives him a hug, squeezing as tight as he possibly could. Bakugo sits there, with his arms trapped down by Kirishima's bear hug before he yells at him to get off. Kirishima backs up, letting Bakugo and his big smile reappears on his face.

"Hey man." Kirishima says, a little shyly with a blush on his face.

Bakugo, who was also blushing from their little interaction, turns his chair to hide his blush and stands up, his back facing Kirishima, "Hey." He says in a deep voice.

Having finally composed himself, Bakugo turns around and sees Kirishima standing there, still blushing, but looking down at his feet. The redhead as a lot on his mind, he had decided earlier in the day that he was going to confess to Bakugo, that even if he gets rejected, it won't matter.

Bakugo knew that Kirishima had a lot on his mind, but he wanted to tell Kirishima about his past before they could actually be friends, because Kirishima might not want to be friends with him after hearing about everything.

"Kirishima, before you say anything, I need to tell you about my past. You said you would stay by my side no matter what last night, but you don't know what I did and you shouldn't say anything until you do know."

Kirishima, taken out of his thoughts, is shocked at these words. "Does Bakugo still not think he is worthy or something?" Kirishima asks himself, but all he mutters is an, "Okay."

Bakugo walks over to his bed and sits down, hitting the bed to the side of him, prompting Kirishima to sit down as well. The boy walks over to the bed and sits down, staring at Bakugo the entire time who was looking down into his hands.

The blonde boy decided that he wasn't going to cry, not when he tells Kirishima about his past or when Kirishima decides to not be friends with him anymore.

He takes a deep breath and starts talking, "When I was younger, everyone told me how great I was and what an amazing quirk that I had. That is all they ever saw in me and it got to my head. I hated other people for being weak and I would bully Midoriya for being quirkless. I was the best in the world and I acted like it, even though it was just me being a big dick and nowhere near being the best."

Kirishima cuts him off, "Hey man, if this is what you are worrying about then don't worry man. It wasn't okay what you did back then, but I know that you have changed and you aren't like that anymore and I know Midoriya forgives you."

"Kirishima stop. I can't be forgiven for what I did, there is no way that I can, I don't deserve it and I don't deserve to be around you."

"Bakugo, man, I told you I know what you did was bad but-"

"I TOLD MIDORIYA TO KILL HIMSELF!" The words ring throughout the silent room.

Kirishima sits there with his mouth open, not sure of what to say.

"I told Midoriya that he should kill himself, Kirishima. I can't be forgiven for that, I don't deserve to be forgiven for that I don't deserve to be around someone as great as you. I don't know why in the world I said that to him and I don't know what I would have done if he actually did. I am a horrible person for that and I really am a villain. No hero would ever say those things. You deserve to be around a better person than that."

Kirishima looks up into Bakugo's eyes, tears fill his as he speaks, "I am around a better person than that, Bakugo. I want to be around you and you are a better person than that." Bakugo's eyes widen at Kirishima's words, a little confused as to what he meant, "You aren't the same stupid kid you were when you said that. I know you wish you could take everything back, Midoriya knows that you wish you could take everything back, we both know that you are truly sorry for what you did. That shows just how much you have grown and it means that you are a different person."

"But Ki-"

"No there is nothing else to it. Like I said I will be by your side and we can face your past together. I will be by your side Bakugo and we can battle this world together!" Kirishima says with a smile on his face.

Bakugo looks at Kirishima, this amazing sunshine sitting on his bed, and the rest of the world seems to disappear. The two stare at each other for a couple of minutes before Bakugo grabs Kirishima and pulls him into a hug.

As their bodies make contact Bakugo begins speaking again, his voice very soft in Kirishima's ears, "It goes both ways just so you know that." Bakugo squeezes tighter and a tear falls from Kirishima's eye.

Bakugo lets go of Kirishima and the two pull away from each other. The weight of the world has finally been lifted off of Bakugo and he is so happy that someone actually accepts him. That someone doesn't think he is a villain in the slightest. That someone truly does care for him.

"So does that mean we are best friends then?" Bakugo asks Kirishima, his hands still holding the sides of the redhead's arms.

Those words sting Kirishima in the heart, to him, those words mean that Bakugo doesn't have feelings for him. That they are only friends and nothing more. It hurts and he regrets not being able to tell Bakugo his true feelings, but it doesn't matter. If he were to tell Bakugo now, it would just ruin the friendship and Kirishima is still so happy with where him and Bakugo are now, they have never been this close with each other and that is enough for Kirishima, even if it does hurt him a bit.

"Yeah of course dude. You will always be my best friend." Kirishima says back, putting up a half fake half real smile.

Unbeknownst to Kirishima, Bakugo had realized that Kirishima has feelings for him, and even though Kirishima was the only person that Bakugo has ever had a crush on, Bakugo knows that they need each other as best friends right now, not as boyfriends. It hurts Bakugo knowing that he might lose Kirishima "in that way" to someone else, but he doesn't need to date Kirishima right now, what he needs is Kirishima as a friend.

The two hug again before they say goodbye and Kirishima leaves through the window back to his own room.

The two lie down in their own beds and both let out a single tear from their right eye. Both are so happy about their improved friendship with their best friend, but both feel a small pinch in their stomach, thinking that they would never get to be together, "in that way."


Hope y'all liked the story. If you want to read some of my other stories you totally should, they are all good (at least to me hahah)! Again thanks for reading and I hope you liked it:)

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