Taking the Blame

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In the classroom


All of class 1-A sit in their respective seats, chatting with one another about different things, no one aware of what happened with the Bakusquas last night, except for Shoji who doesn't care. Bakugo sits at his desk, not bothering to talk to anyone or wanting to. The mood is light, but all of that ends very quickly and suddenly when the door slams open.

Everyone turns their head in the direction of the door and their eyes follow, for everyone to see an enraged man with black hair sticking straight up and eyes glowing a fierce red. Most of them gulp and hold their breaths at the sight of their angry teacher, most of whom don't know what he is angry about and why he is so angry this early in the morning.

"WHICH ONE OF YOU LEFT THE DORM BUILDING AND WAS DESTROYING THINGS AT GROUND BETA." Aizawa, their teacher, angrily says as he walks into the classroom, not caring about the door being wide open.

The class looks surprised at his words. Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari and Sero all look down at their seats, getting ready to be yelled at, but it never comes, much to their shock.

Bakugo stands up, "I did."

At his words Aizawa immediately captures him with his capture tape and everyone looks over at Bakugo in surprise, his four friends especially surprised. They pause for a moment giving Aizawa time to respond, "WHY?" before they go to stand up to say that Bakugo wasn't the only one.

Bakugo cuts the four of them off, Aizawa not even paying attention to them. "I wanted to train more, so I snuck out and went to Ground Beta by myself and blew up some buildings."

The four kids all standing up stare at Bakugo in shock. Why did he say that? It wasn't even really his fault for leaving the dorms and he didn't even want to have a sleepover to begin with. Why is he taking all of the blame?

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't expel you this instant!" Aizawa says back to Bakugo.

Mina and Kirishima, at the same time, shout, "No!" Mr. Aizawa looks over at them and his hair raises higher into the air and his eyes glow a fiercer red. They both quickly shut their mouth when they see Bakugo shake his head, telling them to just let it happen. They both realize that this was Bakugo's way of apologizing for everything and that they were on good terms. At that realization, almost simultaneously, they both sit down, scared of their teacher.

Aizawa looks back at Bakugo, madder than ever, "So what do you have to say!?!"

"I don't have anything to say. I broke the rules, again." Bakugo says, his voice not faltering, but fear races throughout his body. He is going to make sure that no one of his friends get in trouble because of him, he isn't very good with apologies, so hopefully this constitutes a replacement.

The entire class scrunches their eyes in confusement, is Bakugo really not going to defend himself?

Aizawa, taken back by his "truthfulness" and bluntness, loosens the his hold on Bakugo for a moment and even lets his quirk deactivate for just a moment before he refocuses, this time pulling on his capture tape even harder than before.

"So what is stopping me from expelling you right this second?"


Everyone, again shocked at his words stare at the two in awe.


"No!" Mina cuts him off, shouting to defend Bakugo.

With the words leaving her mouth, Kirishima, Midoriya, Sero, Kaminari, and Iida all stand up.

"Mr. Aizawa, while I do not condone Bakugo's irresponsible actions. He did say that he was out there for training. I do not think that someone should be expelled because they were trying to better themselves, even if he was breaking the rules. However, he should be severely punished." Iida shouts to Mr. Aizawa from across the room, thinking that it is his duty as Class President to stand up for Bakugo, especially if the others are going to too.

Mr. Aizawa, who had turned to look at Iida, lets go of his hold on Bakugo and turns back to the blonde boy standing before him. "A full week of House Arrest. Afterwards you will clean up Ground Beta and I need a written apology. And since you seem to have so much energy, the rest of the year you will be given extra homework to finish. Now leave."

The teacher lets out a sigh when he finishes talking and the blonde boy grabs his back and heads back to the dorms, looking at his friends as he leaves the classroom.

"The rest of you." Mr. Aizawa turns to face the entirety of the class, "If any of you are caught leaving the dorm building at night when you aren't supposed to, I will expel you no matter your reasons. You all heard this right here right now, so if it happens I don't want to hear any complaining. Bakugo should already know this, so don't worry about telling him. Now, I will be back later and I suggest that all of you study." He leaves the classroom just as quickly as he had entered it.

Everyone is silent for a moment, no one sure of what to do, but Kaminari can't hold it in any longer. He was going to say his part in everything, just like the rest of them, but when Mina and Kirishima didn't say anything he felt like he shouldn't either, but he wasn't sure why. "Kirishima, why did he do that?"

All of class 1-A, minus Bakugo, looks at Kaminari as he asks the question.

Kirishima sighs, his vision the slightest bit hazy from the tears in his eyes, "I am not sure Kaminari, but I am pretty certain that it is his way of apologizing."

Silence fills the room once again before Sato speaks up, "Hey guys, what happened last night. It seems like there was more to it than just that. I mean I don't want to butt in or anything, I was just wondering." He may have spoken them, but his words were itching everyone else in the room just as much as they were to him.

The four involved all look at each other, Kirishima finally nodding to say that they could tell them.

Mina starts talking, "Well, we decided to have a sleepover and then Bakugo got mad at me after I said something, because of what happened earlier in the day," She didn't want people to know about Bakugo's insecurities, but since they knew that Bakugo was angry about the "gay-thing" she went with that, "so he stormed again and then went to Ground Beta and then we all chased after him and he may have completely destroyed a building with a single explosion."

"Then why didn't he tell Mr. Aizawa that?" Iida asks, confused at the events that transpired not to long ago.

This time Kirishima stands up, a little mad that Iida sort of implied that they need to tell Mr. Aizawa the truth, "BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT US TO GET IN TROUBLE! He wasn't sure what would have happened to all of us, so he wanted to take the brunt of the punishment. We were willing to tell Mr. Aizawa the truth but Bakugo didn't want us to get in trouble so he lied so that none of us were punished either. I know that it's a crappy thing to do and not manly in the slightest, but that is what Bakugo wanted, so I went with it!" A small tear leaks out from Kirishima's left eye as he finishes his little speech.

Iida, clasping his hands together, "I see. So he was protecting you guys. Quite admirable, but lying is wrong. I don't agree with what he did, but I will accept it as you all did. Now that we know what happened let us get to studying as Mr. Aizawa advised." His arms began to chop the air during the latter half of what he was saying.

The class listens and they all pull out different subjects and begin studying, although most of them have other things on their minds. 

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