Sleepover Shenanigans

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Later that day


Bakugo goes up to his room at about 8:30 and the Bakusquad all go to their own rooms, getting ready for the sleepover. They all change into pajamas and head over to Bakugo's room. Once they all get there they open the door and walk into Bakugo's room. Kirishima, who is the first to enter stops when he sees Bakugo standing there in his boxers, his body freezes, but his mind is going a million miles per hour.

"Woah, Bakugo looks so buff and hot. Does he always sleep in his underwear? Why does he look so much better than in the locker room? Why are his shoulders so massive? He looks so hot!"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING!?!" Bakugo screams at the group standing in his doorway, knocking Kirishima out of his own mind.

"Just put some clothes on man." Sero says looking away.

"We are having the sleepover here!" Kaminari cheerily says as Bakugo puts on some sweatpants.

"Like hell you are. Get out!"

"Bakugo, come on. We talked about it at lunch!" Mina retorts back

"I don't want to hear it from you and besides I told you I didn't want to at lunch. Don't any of you listen."

"Bakugo pleeeeease. We don't want to have a sleepover without you." Kirishima whines as he walks over to Bakugo, a sad look on his face.

"Whatever, but we are going to sleep at 12, I don't care what any of you say."

"Let's goooooo!" Sero says, still in the doorway.

At Bakugo's words, Kirishima lights up with joy and hugs Bakugo. His heart starts racing when he realizes that Bakugo is shirtless and this is the first time he has ever hugged Bakugo. Bakugo, flustered from the random contact with Kirishima hides his blush and quickly pushes Kirishima away. He starts clearing his already clean room to avoid Mina's "looks," although Mina is too scared to mess with Bakugo and his crush on Kirishima at the moment.

The Bakusquad sits in a circle at the side of Bakugo's bed. They are playing Uno, Kaminari and Sero both only have one card left.

"C'mon Bakugo. Hurry up so I can win." Kaminari whines from the other side of Kirishima.

"Shut up, no one asked you and you aren't going to win." Bakugo says as he puts down a green 9, only 2 cards remain in his hand.

"Oh yeah and why not?" Kaminari sarcastically yells at Bakugo, knowing that his last card is also a green 9, so even if Kirishima changes colors he is safe.

"That's why Dunce Face." Bakugo smirks as he points to the pile that Kirishima just added to.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! What the heck Kirishima! I thought we were friends!"

"Hahaha chillax man. I want to win too." Kirishima says as he laughs while looking at the reverse card he just put down.

"Kaminari be quiet. We aren't supposed to be doing this, it's a school night so we can't be caught." Mina says, hitting Kaminari in the shoulder.

"Hahah yes, now I can win hahah!" Sero laughs.

"Shut it tape arms." Bakugo puts down a plus 2, stopping Sero from winning and saying Uno before anyone else can.

Sero whines as well, but the play continues to Mina who puts down a yellow 7 per Bakugo's choice.

Kaminari draws a card, and another, and another, and another.

"What the hell! If the next card isn't a yellow I swear to god!" He draws another green one, "Ahhhhhhhhhh-"

Mina hits Kaminari to shut him up, Sero and Kirishima both start dying of laughter and a small smirk even crosses Bakugo's face.

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