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Kirishima and Kamiari walking side by side in search of Bakugo


"Hey how you holding up man?" Kaminari quietly asks as the pair walks along the path to the school.

"Alright, just worried about Bakugo."

"That isn't what I mean and you know it." Kaminari turns his head to look at Kirishima and meets Kirishima's eyes.

Kirishima sighs before looking down to his feet, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Alright. I am just so confused right now. I mean I am so happy about Bakugo and you know, but I just don't know. I think he only thinks of me as friends not anything more. I know you saw, everyone did, but when Mina told everyone today I got a little more bold and I tried to touch him any chance that I got. I mean I just love being in contact with him and I love his eyes and I love how even though he hates hanging around people he tries his best and makes an effort to hang out with us, even if we force him. Like before he got all crazy, he didn't want to play the game anymore but he did anyway. And then that time we were having dinner and I think he was jealous or something for asking Midoriya if he likes my eyes. But then he told Mina his secret and not me. I thought if he had any secrets I would be the one he would tell and did you see the way he looked at me because I was the first person to lose. Ahhhhhh I just don't know. I am so confused."

"Yeah I know he is trying but, Kiri, he's gay. That is a whole lot closer than you ever thought he would be to liking you. And you guys are super close, even if he didn't tell you his secret. Everyone in the class sees it and knows it, if he likes anyone it would be you." Kaminari softly punches Kiri's arm, "Right?"

Kirishima sighs again, "Yeah I guess, it just doesn't seem like it. I know we are close but we haven't ever had like a real heart to heart talk before. I mean we have hung-out outside of school, but we never actually talk. I just don't think he wants to. I feel like I am the only one he tolerates so he has to hangout with me." Kirishima still looks down at his feet as they turn a corner.

"Hey man, have you tried talking with him, like in that way?"

"No, I don't think he wants to and bes-"

"Well how would you know if you haven't tried. If we find him maybe talk to the dude, I mean we all know he took All Might's retirement really hard. Look, I was trying not to say anything because it isn't my business, but I guess Bakugo broke down crying because he thought it was his fault. Mina and I were walking by the teacher's lounge and heard Mr. Aizawa talking about it. That's why he fought Midoriya the night of the Provisional License Exams. He thinks that he was the reason All Might retired.So I bet he has been having a pretty hard time. Me and Mina promised each other not to tell anyone, but after what she did tonight, I guess that is out the window."

Kirishima grabs Kaminari by the arm and they turn to face each other. "Are you serious, I mean I know he has been way less screamy since he got kidnapped and he even has been relatively nice to Midoriya, I mean every too, but I didn't even know. I never would have guessed it. That's crazy and knowing him he definitely is facing everything on his own."

"I know, but that's why we have to be there for him now, that's why you have to be there for him."

"Yeah you're right." Kirishima says with a determined look in his eyes.

"Now come on Kirishima, let's go find Bakugo!" Kaminari says as he starts walking toward the school once more.

"Wait. Kaminari one more thing." Kaminari stops and turns back to Kirishima, "It's just that. Uhhh. I mean it kind of is relevant with what we have been saying and I have wanted to talk to someone about it but I just haven't yet."

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