Bakugo's Secret

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Third POV (for the rest of the story as well):

At the hospital


Kirishima wakes up and lifts his head up. His eyes open and he looks around the unfamiliar room. "Fat gum?" He says as he sees someone vaguely resembling Fat Gum, except a lot smaller.

The man lifts his head up from the chair and a massive smile comes across his face.

"Kirishima!!!! You are finally awake this is awesome." Just as the words leave his mouth, the door swings open revealing Tamaki, still covered in bandages.

The timid boy's eyes light up at the sight of Kirishima and a small smile shoots across his face. He enters the room and the two walk over to Kirishima together. No one says a word, but Fat Gum grabs both of them and pulls them into a hug, tears rolling down all of their faces. "You guys were awesome out there. And thanks to you Kirishima, our lives were saved."

At those words Kirishima starts crying louder into Fat Gum's shoulder, his hands squeezing the other two's shirts. "Thanks Fat Gum" Kirishima whispers in between cries.

After a few minutes of hugging, a few too many minutes for Tamaki's comfortability, the three pull away from each other and go back to their spots within the room.

Kirishima turns his head to look out the window, but is stopped when he notices a stuffed animal and a card sitting on the table next to his bed.

"Hey." Kirishima says, wiping the tears from his face, "Who is this for?"

A big smile comes across Fat Gum's face, "Ha well it seems that someone from your class really cares about you. They came and visited you while in the hospital and left that for you, but I can't tell you who so don't ask."

Kirishima doesn't care who it was, he was just so happy that someone came and visited him, no one has ever done something like that before. Kirishima picks up the bear, hugging it tight before he grabs the card and reads it.

"Hmmm" he wonders. "It was probably the girls. They said "we" and the handwriting is super neat. I will have to thank them when I finally get back."

That day him and everyone else from class all head back to Ryuku's agency to do the paperwork together before they are allowed back to the dorms. Kirishima finally gets back to his phone and notices a text from someone. His eyes wide and a smile comes to his face when he sees that it is from Bakugo. He fist pumps the air out of excitement and opens the text up immediately

Are you okay?

                                                                                                                                                                              Hey Bro!
                                                                                     Sorry for not texting you earlier. I just got back to Fat                                                                                          Gum's agency where my phone was. I am doing                                                                                                      awesome bro! Thanks so much for checking in on me!                                                                                        It means so much to me! I'll be coming home with                                                                                                Midoriya and the girls later tonight so I'll see you then. I                                                                                     have a bunch of paperwork because of everything that                                                                                       happened. I'll just talk to you in person later:)

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