the confession

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Kazuichi gasped in shock, "I'm w-what!?"
"I'm, s-s-sorry, according to my tests, you're pregnant" Mikan stammered. Kazuichi sat down on the examination for with her hands on her belly,
"I... I gotta tell... You know what, thank you Mikan, can you hand me the test results?" She asked. Mikan agreed, and she handed her the stick test and the results of the blood test. Kazuichi hopped down,
"Thanks again, but please don't tell anyone..." She said.
"Yes! I won't tell anyone, I'll keep my patient confidentiality even if this is an island!" Mikan promised.
Kazuichi walked out of the hospital and rushed off the third island to find Gundham. She practically broke down the door to his cottage, but when she arrived he wasn't there.
"Fuck!" She cursed. There was a good chance Gundham was taking care of the ranch animals at this time, and she didn't want to bother him at work...
Behind her someone was peeking through the door.
"What the fuck is up with you?" Fuyuhiko demanded. Kazuichi jumped,
"Aahhh, it's nothing!" She defended.
"So, are you just going around breaking into people's cottages while their not home?" Fuyuhiko asked sarcastically.
"I was looking for Gundham, I have something on my mind and I wanted to talk to someone about it..." Kazuichi half lied.
"You could talk to me about it if you want" Fuyuhiko shrugged.
"It's kind of a secret... I don't want everyone to find out" Kazuichi declined.
"Hey, I'm a Yakuza, do you think I get by in this world snitching on people? Besides, I can give you advice but I probably won't actually care about what you have to say." Fuyuhiko's words stung but Kazuichi knew he was like this because he had trouble showing his feelings.
"Ok, thanks Fuyuhiko, but can we go somewhere where no one will overhear" Kazuichi suggested.
"We can go talk in your cottage, it would be weird if we had a conversation in here while Gundham's not home." Fuyuhiko agreed.
They walked over to Kazuichi's cottage,
"Dang your house is messy..." Fuyuhiko complained, he sat down on the bed.
"So what is it you had on your mind?" He asked.
"Well... The thing is... I um..." Tears started selling up in Kazuichi's eyes. Fuyuhiko seemed taken aback that Kazuichi had started crying,
"H-hey, what is it" he stammered.
"I'm pregnant" Kazuichi sobbed.
"Oh, I, uh" Fuyuhiko was unsure how to respond.
"I'm not sad about that part, but I'm scared if my dad find out he'll hurt me or the baby... He's not a very good person." Kazuichi cried.
"Listen, everyone here on the island, they're good people, even when we get back from the trip, we'll be there and we won't let him hurt you." Fuyuhiko promised. Kazuichi sniffled,
"I have one more question though, Is Gundham the father?" Fuyuhiko asked.
Kazuichi stopped crying,
"Hey!!!... But, yeah he is" Kazuichi replied.
"Maybe you could stay with him after we get back, I mean you are having a kid together..." Fuyuhiko suggested.
"That too, I still haven't told him, what if he hates me, or... or..." Kazuichi started crying again. Fuyuhiko Didn't really know how to respond,
"Well... I doubt that would happen, but you have to tell him." Fuyuhiko said.
"My life will be over if he abandons me..." Kazuichi whispered.
"Well..." Fuyuhiko started, but there was a knock on the door. Kazuichi peeked through the window, Gundham was waiting outside for her.
"Oh it's Gundham..." Kazuichi started shivering
"I can't do it!" She whined quietly. Kazuichi was having a breakdown, so Fuyuhiko got up and opened the door himself.
"What are you doing here?" Gundham asked him.
"Kazuichi needed some advice, but I'm going now" Fuyuhiko said. Gundham barged in,
"Kazuichi, why are you crying? What did you do?!!?" Gundham turned to Fuyuhiko, snarling. He started walking towards Fuyuhiko, bristling with anger. Fuyuhiko was strong but he didn't want to get into a fight with his classmates for no reason,
"I don't think you'll have to worry about what you told me earlier Kaz," he called and then shut the door behind him.
Gundham huffed,
"Are you alright mon amour" he asked softly.
"Fuyuhiko, didn't do anything wrong" Kazuichi told Gundham.
"What is it that you could not tell me?" Gundham asked.
"I was gonna tell you but I couldn't find you" Kazuichi sniffed. Gundham sat on the bed with Kazuichi and he Wrapped his arms around her. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. His soft vanilla scent enveloped her. Kazuichi stopped crying and gave a sigh of relief,
"Fuyuhiko has good advice, but only you can comfort me like this." She purred. Kazuichi started rubbing her body against his. She made soft sounds of happiness. She soon realized she was becoming aroused, she gently rubbed her crotch on Gundham's leg, she started kissing him and making little pleasureful moans. Gundham was a little confused because it had come on so suddenly, she was really feeling it today, Gundham was less aroused because she had already pleasured him earlier today, he guessed it was time to return the favor. At this point she was grinding desperately on his leg. Gundham took his opportunity to bring his hand down to her wet area and rub. Kazuichi gave a loud moan this time, she was starting to soak through her clothes and onto Gundham, but he didn't mind. He unzipped her jumpsuit and pulled it off. He snuck his fingers into her boxers and started rubbing the soft wet opening. She pulled her boxers off and rubbed fervently against Gundham's fingers. He rubbed his fingers in circles around her clit, she moaned his name. Next he slid his fingers inside her, she   tightened around his finger as she orgasmed, she basically drenched his pants as she came directly on him.
"Oh, shit we're all messy now, I wanted to go eat dinner early but we're gonna have to shower first" Kazuichi said. Gundham kept a change of clothes here, just in case something like this happened. They quickly got into the shower and washed themselves up. They hurried to dinner so they could eat at the same time as everyone else. Kazuichi ate her dinner until everyone had arrived.
Kazuichi got up from her seat and walked to the front of the dining hall,
"I have something important to tell everyone" she announced, she waited until everyone looked her way,
"I-I'm pregnant" she said. Everyone was silent for a second.
Gundham got up slowly and walked over to her, wide eyed, he touched her belly.
"Is this true?" He asked.
"Yes." Kazuichi answered.
Gundham hugged her. The world seemed to dissapear for a moment. Kazuichi was so relieved that he was ok. Gundham was overjoyed that she was having his baby.
They felt like they could stay that way forever. That was the last night of the school trip, the next day they all went home, but that is not the end of this story, it's only the beginning.
End of the first book, I'm going to take a pretty long hiatus to write "Mates" but after that I'll probably start the next book.

Breed Me ~Soudam~ fem!kazuichiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora