~the hamster feels funny~

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When Gundham got up that morning, he heard a little sound from the hamsters. He turned around and saw where the noise came from. One of his hamsters, Cham-p was sneezing, she must have a cold. He would have to ask Mikan if she knew where he could find antibiotics. He decided to leave Cham-p at home today so she could rest. He nestled the other three into his scarf and headed out.
At breakfast he found Mikan eating an orange.
"Aha, healing mortal, one of my four dark devas is plagued by disease, where might I aquire a cure." He demanded.
"A-Ah, um, h-huh?" Mikan sounded confused.
"I need antibiotics" he clarified. Mikan understood and awkwardly gave him directions to the pharmacy on the second island. He grabbed a banana and brought it with him as he left to go get what he needed.
The pharmacy had tons of medicines, but he grabbed a bottle of basic antibiotics. He studied the bottle, a human would need ten ml so Cham-p would need just a drop. Suddenly he felt something grab onto him from behind.
"Argh" he cried, startled. He dropped the bottle in the process.
"Ahaha, I didn't mean to scare you dude" a familiar voice said, it was Kazuichi who had startled him. She was wearing just her swimsuit.
"I was coming back from the beach and I saw you coming in here, so I came to say hi!" She smiled. Gundham sighed in relief, he had been really startled by her sudden hug attack.
"Why are you here anyways? Is someone sick?" She questioned.
"Cham-p appears to be sick" he answered.
"Well, I made you drop the medicine, oops, sorry" Kazuichi apologized. She kneeled down and grabbed the bottle of antibiotics. She put the bottle in his pocket, she looked up at him
"You know--"
Mikan and Teruteru walked into the pharmacy. Kazuichi was cut off by Milan's scream and Teruteru's woah. From the outside this situation did look weird. Kazuichi was kneeled in front of Gundham at about belt level. And her hand was in his pocket.
"I-I'm so sorry" Mikan screamed, running away. Teruteru nose started bleeding,
"Ahh--, I see I interrupted something, hehe." He said, smiling pervertedly.
"Tell me about it later, I want to know" he called as he left them alone again in the pharmacy.
"Shit," Kazuichi cursed getting up.
"They totally got the wrong idea, and Teruteru is gonna say something weird about it probably" she whined.
"I don't understand" Gundham said shaking his head.
"They though we were, you know?" Kazuichi squirmed.
"You know, what?" Gundham asked, genuinely clueless about this situation.
"They thought I was gonna uhhm, give you head" she whispered the last part.
"What is head?" he asked her. She made a disappointed noise,
"I thought everyone knew what that is" she leaned to his ear and explained what sucking dick was.
"Why would someone d-do that?" Gundham yelped.
"Well, it feels good" she said blatantly.
"I can show you if ya want" she purred, licking her lips. Gundham gave a noise of shock and looked at her in surprise.
"C'mon, I was just kidding. Let's bring your hamster it's medicine" she changed the subject awkwardly. She grabbed his hand and they walked back to the hotel.
"I need to change real quick" Kazuichi said. Gundham waited outside and she emerged in her usual yellow mechanics outfit. They next went to Gundham's cottage, Cham-p came up to the from of the devas home and jumped into Gundhams hand. He made a strange face.
"What's wrong?" Kazuichi asked. He pressed his fingers into the devas belly.
"Ah, it's a miracle, Cham-p I going to have babies! They should emerge next week" he announced.
"She's pregnant? Well she IS pretty chubby" she laughed. Gundhams smiled and petted Cham-p. The hamster rolled over and let him pet her belly. Kazuichi smiled, she'd never seen a baby hamster but she bet they'd be cute. She sat next to Gundham on the bed and hugged him. She leaned in and pushed his hair behind his ear with one hand and in the other she grabbed his chin. She pulled his face towards hers.
Their lips met, he tastes like sunflower seeds. The kiss felt soft and passionate.
They moved apart and Gundham blushed. He gave her an embarrassed look.
"I'm going to go get some lunch" Kazuichi decided. She finally managed to do it, but it was much more awkward than she had expected it to be. She gave him a stiff pat on the back before leaving. As she left she passed by Prince Sonia, she nodded in greeting and continued on her way. Prince Sonia was going the opposite direction.
He practically burst down Gundham's door.
"Gundham, WHAT DID YOU DO!" He yelled. Gundhams covered his face with his scarf.
"Me and the pink haired mortal, um, she touched her lips to mine" he confessed awkwardly.
"That's all?" Sonia pressed.
"Of course!" Gundham mumbled.
"Oh, I guess I really shouldn't listen to Teruteru! I thought you guys, did it, ya know" He whispered the last part.
"Why do you mortals keep saying "ya know", I don't know what you mean" Gundham complained.
"Well if you don't know, I can't explain it to you, um, ask someone else please" Sonia avoided the question.
"Well, I saw Kazuichi leaving your house, what were you guys doing just now." He asked.
"We were giving the cure to Cham-p, but we realized she was going to have babies." Gundham said, pulling the chubby hamster out of his scarf.
"Why was she in such a hurry to leave? Did you do something awkward?" Sonia sighed.
"Well, she put her lips upon mine, I was so shocked, I did not respond. Then retreated to the restaurant" he explained.
"You were supposed to kiss her back! You're so clueless..." Sonia grumbled.
"Do I really have to explain to you how relationships work!" Sonia joked. Gundhams thought for a moment,
1017 words
I literally cannot think of a good title, if anyone thinks of one, feel free to comment.
Actually, if anyone is reading this please comment.

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