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It was 9 am on the island, they were about a week into a the month long school trip. Everyone was gathered in the restaurant for breakfast. Even Fuyuhilo begrudgingly accepted the invitation on this fine summer morning. Hiyoko was giggling to herself as she clung onto Mahiru's side. No one was really listening to each other outside their social bubble until Hiyoko said something that piqued their interest.
"Kazuichi, toooootally has a crush on Gundham!" She announced loudly and that was clearly on purpose. Kazuichi's head shot up,
"NO I DON'T" she yelled back.
"Oh yes you do, I went by your cottage last night! I heard you "oh Gundham, instead of destroying worlds destroy my mmp-" her impression was cut off by Kazuichi's hand on her face.
"Everyone already knows who I like, you don't have to lie just so you can have him!!!" She accused. Gundham, who was there the whole time, was using his scarf to hide the soft pink tint on his face.
"Foolish m-mortals, do not use me as fodder for your amusement" he snached a bagel and walked out of the restaurant.
Hiyoko gave Kazuichi a mocking glare. Byakuya rolled his eyes,
"Don't embarrass him too much" he said. Teruteru let out a laugh, everyone looked at him, his nose was bleeding and he had a lewd expression on his face.
"Haha, I didn't realize miss Kazuichi was so-"
"SHE WAS OBVIOUSLY LYING!!!" Kazuichi cut him off. Prince Sonia walked out of the kitchen, she swallowed a bite of eggs and said
"Don't bother Gundham, he's actually pretty sensitive you know?"
"Of course Prince Sonia! I'll apologize to him later today" Kazuichi announced. She scarfed down some bacon and left the restaurant to go prepare for his talk with Gundham.
Kazuichi walked to the beach next to the diner to think where he could be alone. Hiyoko had heard what she was doing last night. She swore that she liked Prince Sonia but she was feeling split because there was something about Gundham too. Sonia was blonde, rich, and purebred royalty. But Gundham was tall and he was a a little strange, he was great with animals, and not so great with people.
She had let his name slip from her lips last night, the other thing that Hiyoko had said was a lie, but she couldn't deny that she did find Gundham a little bit attractive. She obviously was going to deny it all when she went to apologize. She also knew that Prince Sonia and Gundham were friends, if she got close to one she could get closer to both, so she didn't have to decide yet.
She decided that she would bring him a gift.  She packed up her stuff and went to go to the Rocketpunch market. She grabbed some  sunflower seeds and one of those big bottles of cola to share. Before visiting Gundham she went back to her cabin to change out of her swimsuit and shower. She took off her wetsuit and got in the shower to wash the sand off of her body. She set the water to hot and started thinking about what she should say. She would apologize, but she wanted to talk to him more than that. He really was beautiful, he had pale soft looking skin and his hands looked like they were unworked unlike her own. He had one red eye and one grey, and black hair with grey streaks. Even though he wore a coat you could still tell he was skinny.
Kazuichi stepped out of the shower and threw her yellow jumpsuit on. It was about 1:00 right now. So she grabbed the snacks from the floor and headed to the boys side of the cottage area. She stopped at the cabin with Gundham name on it and took a deep breath and prepared to knock.
After Gundham left the restaurant he spent the rest of the day in his cottage with his dark devas of destruction. He was embarrassed by what Hiyoko had said but he knew it was a lie. No mortal female would take in interest in him and he wouldn't take an interest in any mortal. He was listening to fall out boy in his earbuds with the little hamsters all morning. He suddenly heard a knock on his door. He expected Prince Sonia because he was his only friend here. He was instead greeted with Kazuichi in his doorway.  The girl was carrying a large jug of cola and she looked at him with a soft smile on her face.
"I think you have the wrong door, mortal, for this is my layer" Gundam explained.
"Nah, I'm in the right place" Kazuichi said with a shark like smile.  She pushed her way into Gundham's cottage.
"I never gave you permission to enter my layer" Gundham stated.
"Nice place!" Kazuichi said, ignoring Gundham. She pulled the bag of sunflower seeds out of her beanie.
"I brought these for you and your hamsters" she blushed.
"How did you know that my four dark devas desire this?" He asked.
"Um... I see you feed it to them all the time." She answered.
"You are observant, mortal" he praised. Kazuichi's heart fluttered at the compliment, his deep voice was very attractive to her.
"Hehe, thanks" she replied.
"Umm, I wanted to apologise for earlier. What Hiyoko said embarrassed me too! What a stupid lie..." Kazuichi apologized.
"Me, embarrassed? I pay no heed to the worlds of such a deceptive mortal" he said with a blush, but it ultimately meant that he  accepted her apology. The hamsters that were in Gundham's scarf emerged, he gasped,
"The devas accept you, which means that I must as well." He gave a small bow. Gundham sat back down on his bed and put down his hamsters. Not knowing how to continue the conversation he just looked at Kazuichi in silence. She sat next to him and grabbed his bandaged hand. Gundham made a sound of confusion. She gave him a soft smile. Both of their hearts were beating out of their chest. They sat in silence for a few minutes, appreciating the company. Kazuichi leaned over so that their shoulders were touching.
"Kazuichi?" Gundham spoke the name softly. Kazuichi made a hmm? Sound in response.
"Uh-um, do not fret mortal, there is something I must do, speak to me tommorow if you wish" he dismissed her, getting up. Kazuichi got up too and asked,
"What's up?"
"Unfortunately," he said, turning away,
"I cannot speak to a mortal about this business, I will see you tomorrow" Kazuichi left with a shrug. He felt a little bad, but he was getting a little too excited, there were butterflies in his stomach and his blood was rushing down, so that he was starting to get hard. Gundham wasn't stupid, he was a breeder so he knew exactly what this phenomenon was. He tried to brush it off as coincidence, his body was ready to mate, but that pink haired mortal could not be the cause. He got is the shower and set the water to freezing cold to counter the warm feelings building up inside him. He went to bed that night feeling very conflicted.
1214 words
I love Gundham so much I'm gonna die, why isn't he real, I want to hug him.

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