~farm day~

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The next day Gundham was trying to avoid Kazuichi. She didn't mind though because she was going to make the perfect plan. She wanted to take him somewhere special. This island was pretty big but there was one place that she was sure that he would like. Gundham owned hamsters, but he liked all sorts of animals. She had told him all about mechanics at her place, maybe showing her the animals would make him happy. He ran away yesterday, so today she would give him some space, but tommorow, she would ask him. She was only missing one part of the plan, how. She would be too nervous if she actually asked him on a date, but she needed to get the point across this time!
The next day Kazuichi caught Gundham just as he was walking out of the hotel area.
"Hey, um, I was wondering if you wanted to, ummm.... Come with me to the ranch." She asked.
"Splendid, the dark beasts who reside there need to be milked. I would have gone there later" Gundham answered. They walked the short distance to the ranch and Gundham smiled as they entered the barn. He took off hi coat and hung it on a rack at the entrance. There were two cows, a bull, a horse and some goats in the stables. Kazuichi pointed at the bull who was closest to them,
"Are you going milk that cow first?" She asked.
"Silly mortal, that is a male, so it doesn't produce milk." He explained.
"We will release the beasts after we have finished the milking." He announced. He opened one of the cow stalls and placed a bucket under her.
"The female cows have udders" he said, gesturing to the udders.
"Oh, those things look pretty funny" Kazuichi remarked. Gundham grabbed the udders and started milking the cow, who didn't seem to mind, extremely fast.
"Woah" Kazuichi marveled at the speed. He was done in a few minutes and he quickly moved on to the next cow.
"Can I try?" Kazuichi asked.
"Of course mortal, make sure the beast knows you do not fear it, and then grab the udders and pull down" he instructed. Kazuichi approached the cow cautiously and reached for the udders.
Suddenly the cow's leg shot put from underneath it, kicking towards her. She tensed up expecting to be struck hard. But Gundham skilfully pulled her out of the way. Kazuichi fell into his arms, shaking.
"Do not fret, when you approach it slowly, it makes the beast nervous. You can practice on the smaller ones." He comforted. Kazuichi swallowed and looked up at him,
"I can milk the goats?" She asked.
"Of course! The goats are less nervous and their kicks are less painful" he said. He finished milking the other cow and took Kazuichi to the goat pen. There was three goats and two of them were females. Gundham sat next to the first one, he motioned to Kazuichi to watch. Next he had her sit down next to the other goat. She copied his movements slowly. He knelt down next to her and guided her hands on how to do it. It felt good being this close to him, Kazuichi thought. After they milked the goats they brought the animals out to the field.
Next, Gundham brought her to the chickens.
"Behold, the chicken's eggs are hatching" he announced as they walked in. One of the eggs was fully hatched and there was one freshly hatched, wet chick in the nest. Gundham picked up a chicken to reveal several hatching eggs under it.
"Splendid, there are many new chicks today" Gundham grinned. He grabbed the chicks and put them in a box where there were more chicks. He picked up one of the older chicks, this one was black all over it's body. Gundham smiled giddily,
"This chick, midnight, has a rare mutation that makes his whole body black" he put midnight in Kazuichi's hands. She smiled back, sure the chick was cute and soft, but Gundham was even cuter, all excited like this.
It was about noon when they went back outside. They sat on the fence,
"Hey, can I ride that horse?" Kazuichi asked.
"The stallion is wild, you may need my assistance." He warned.
"I can do it, I promise!" Kazuichi insisted. Gundham hopped off the fence and brought the horse over to where Kazuichi was standing.
"Are you sure you can get up there? You are smaller than me." He asked.
"Heeey, are you calling me short?" Kazuichi joked.
"O-Of course not!" Gundham defended, flustered.
"Aww, I was just kidding, no need to get upset" she said.
She braced herself and jumped at the horse, immediately sliding directly back down. Gundham grabbed the stallions mane and kicked his leg over it. He couldn't blame Kazuichi for not being able to get up, it was a very tall horse. He settled himself on the horse and he reached an arm out to help Kazuichi up. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up and she sat on the horse behind him.
"Woah, we're pretty high up" She remarked. She wrapped her arms around  him and the horse started walking.
"Woah!" She exclaimed.
"Hold on, and you will get used to it" he said. Kazuichi held on tighter to Gundham, he guided the horse around the field.
"Do you want to go faster?" Gundham asked. Kazuichi was a little nervous but agreed enthusiasticly anyways. They both had a lot of fun riding around on the horse. But they were pretty tired by the end of their ride.
"I staaaarving, let's go get some food" Kazuichi said. Gundam agreed and started following Kazuichi out of the ranch.
"Wait, there's one more thing I have to do before we leave!" She announced.
"Hmm?" He mumbled.
She gave him a swift kiss on the cheek and then turned back around. he blushed intensely. They went to the diner to get some french fries after that.
1005 words
This chapter is kind of dumb but I really kin Gundham so I had to make this chapter

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