~ Shower Time ~

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Gundham felt warm and he didn't want to get up. He was cuddling with Kazuichi after last nights events. They were still naked, which felt a bit awkward, even thought they'd already seen everything. He stroked her soft pink hair as she slept. She snuggled up to him and slowly opened her eyes. She let out a small yawn and kissed his neck. Gundham smiled shyly.
Kazuichi sat up and stretched her body out.
"Ugh, we should probably take a shower" Kazuichi suggested. Gundham did feel a little filthy, they had fallen asleep without cleaning themselves after they made love.
"You can go first because it's your shower" Gundham suggested.
"I was thinking that we'd shower together. I'm feeling a little sore after last night, and I don't want to fall..." Kazuichi admitted. she grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom, where she started brushing her teeth. Gundham turned the shower on.
Kazuichi spit out the used toothpaste froth and started stepping in the shower.
"Argh, it's so c-cold" she complained. She turned the hot water on so that she could shower comfortably.
"That's the temperature I bathe in" Gundham said.
"Well sorry! We're only taking was showers together!" Kazuichi exclaimed. The water had warmed up in the short time they were speaking, so Kazuichi got in the shower, now satisfied with the water temperature.
The water felt hot to Gundham and it made his pale skin turn pink. He slowly followed Kazuichi into the shower and realized that the hot water felt kind of good once he got used to it.
Kazuichi wet Gundham's hair and started massaging shampoo into his head. Next she grabbed the body wash and she rubbed it onto his chest and back while Gundham rinsed the shampoo out of his hair. She also started gently washing on and around his penis. Gundham felt pretty embarrassed that she was so casually cleaning him there.
"All clean! Now you have to clean me." She demanded. Gundham put shampoo in her hair like she had done, and copied her movements, massaging her scalp. He took the soap and washed her back first. Kazuichi turned around and waited.
"You have to wash the front too" she complained. Gundham took the soap and slathered it on the middle of her chest between her breasts. She moved his hands so that they got soap on her boobs too.
"You don't have to be scared to touch them, they don't bite!" Kazuichi joked.
Gundham smiled a bit and continued washing her. He washed her thighs, and stopped when he came to the spot in-between them. She had cleaned him there, but he didn't really know how to go about cleaning her there. He tried anyways. He rubbed his soapy finger over the area, and slipped them inside her.
"Hah--ah, you d-don't have to clean the inside" she yelped. Gundham apologized.
"Unless... Were you just trying to turn me on again, you horndog!" She exclaimed.
Gundam started fumbling for words.
"It's ok, I was kidding. But seriously, warn me before you do that!" She warned.
Kazuichi finished washing the shampoo out of her hair and turned the water off. They got out of the shower and toweled off. They both got their clothes on and thought about what to do today.
"I should probably do my laundry, huh?" Kazuichi said.
"Er, my apologies, I shall assist you" Gundham offered.
"I'm not mad about it or anything, last night was worth it, but I do appreciate the help" Kazuichi flirted. Gundham blushed and covered his face.
They pulled the slightly stained white sheets off of the bed and grabbed some of Kazuichi's other laundry. They took the laundry basket and tossed the clothes in the washer. They decided to head to breakfast because they were both getting quite hungry.
Gundham grabbed an apple and Kazuichi took some eggs. They ended up sitting next to Sonia, who already knew something had gone down last night, because Gundham was usually home before bed, and he wasn't home last night. Sonia looked at Gundham smugly,
"So, did you have a good day yesterday?" He asked. Gundham almost choked on the orange juice he was sipping, it went up his nose and he covered his face.
"It was... Not abnormal" he responded avoidantly.
"Pfft, of course something happened, did you really think you could react like that and I wouldn't be suspicious?" Sonia whispered. Gundham turned away, and tried to ignore him.
"Ok ok! We're in a room full of people but you have to tell me later." Sonia hissed. Sonia leaned back to his seat and continued eating his bagel.
"I asked because you weren't in your room last night," he mumbled through a cream cheesy bite. Gundham glared at him to try to make it clear he was done talking.
"Mm, I'm not gonna tell anyone!" Sonia assured him.
Teruteru scooted a chair up next to them and sat on it backwards in a way that he thought made him look cool.
"What's the scoop? What aren't you gonna tell anyone? Does Gundham have a secret lover or something?" Teruteru said, getting surprisingly close to the truth. Gundham grunted in annoyance, Teruteru knowing would be horrible.
"Butt out Teru..." Sonia whined.
"Let's just go to my room to talk" Sonia suggested. Gundham turned to Kazuichi and explained that he was going to hang out with Sonia for a while today. Kazuichi wanted to spend more time with him, but she supposed Gundham deserved his own time too.
Kazuichi ended up going to the beach with Hiyoko and Mahiru after breakfast. Hiyoko of course made fun of her for a while.
Gundham was with Sonia in his room. Sonia bothered Gundham until he reservedly admitted what had happened the other night with Kazuichi. Sonia was shocked,
"Dude! If you did it that quickly, she must reaalllly like you!" Sonia said.
"Well I like her too..." Gundham admitted, blushing into his scarf.
"Aww, that's so cute." Sonia said. He didn't make him go into detail about it, and they hung out without mentioning it for the rest of the day.
~1029 words~
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