Blue eyes (part 1)

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Chapter 1

"No you can't" Austin  "you gonna stare at me all the time babe?"
"Idiot" I spat and left for class.
2 lessons later~
Amren "Imma be with the others, have your time with hazel nut" and with that she left.
I walk down the stares and past the galss doors to detention room I see Austin. Why do you do this?  I look at him and leave before he sees me. Kay so he's in there, now what,I could go with Amr-
"Nelly?" That voice was so fimiler yet  old and distant. I heard this voice before who, who is it? I follow the direction where it came form, not believeing who was standing there. Air caught me short that I could hardly breath.
Ugh new school. I can't, this day already is shit I scan the ground no not one person that I know. Great, I find my home room b410. The class seems small I again scan the room room to find a fimiliar face and my eyes get caught. Kate. Her eyes met mine. "You lying bitch" I say.
"Surprise" she called from the back
2 weeks ago before a new highschool began for me she said she wouldn't be here and now she is.
"Don't glare your cold green eyes off" she said.
"You said you wouldn't be here"
" Well here I am" and so with those words exchanged our teacher came and we started the lesson
2 lessons after~
We came out of the lab and in front of us was Austin once we were all good and until recently be decided to be a bitch, especially with his girlfriend. Too protective, overprotective
Too much. How could she bare it, all of that. Not being able to hug her own friends,always assumed that she cheated on him when she's nothing more than a pure heart that changed for him
I couldn't even look at that guy. I walk past the glass double door with Kate and I see her.
"Nelly?" I couldn't breath, air I need air.
She turns around beautiful as ever. Light brown skin, beautiful dark brown eyes, her hair shoulder length such a dark shade of brown almost black, and tiny but adorable. That peach color on her cheeks. Austin was lucky to have her. Not only because she was beautiful but of how wonderful she is. I don't know what I was thinking but I rushed and hugged her.

Before I know who  it is, Jade hugs me.Jade....I- I didn't have words so I hugged her back. I was small so I looked over her shoulder to see Kate. A very small part of me was at ease and....and just felt so right,so belonged. I was gonna say something but-
"What's going on?" This isn't good. Why now?   I let go of Jade and she stands beside me.
"Austin, why were you in there" I demand more than ask motioning to the glass doors.
"Don't dodge my question" he hissed, he actually hissed.
"My concern for my boyfriend is more important than him knowing why I'm hugging a friend of mine that he knows" it came out quite but not weak. I looked at him, a silent request to stop this. He looked at me, those blue eyes with a storm in them. 'Don't' I mouth. And thank whatever religious beliefs he backed off.
"Will you now tell me why you were in there?" I ask. Stir the conversation, just stir it.

"I acted in class" he said looking away as if I  barely was more than a wall.
"It's been a while since I've seen you" Kate finally speaks to me.
"It has" I speak my voice barely more than the wind.
Kate just ignored Austin and hugged me. I admired this girl so much.
"Uh hm" Austin just why
I was motioned to the double doors that led to the main grounds
"Can I-"
"No" he spoke with such cold that my blood boiled.
"But-" I tried again
"Nelly no" again that cold.
I glared at him, flashed a smile at Jade and kate then left.

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