Pregnant?|| Huey [pt.2]

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The drive back to Macy's the very next morning was silent. In fact, from the moment you woke up to find Huey not beside you, your morning started off dull and blank. You took your shower, rubbing your swollen belly as you were determined not to get rid of your twin.

'Well, he don't want no kids! That's good! I want babies, so I'll keep em!'

But of course you couldn't bring yourself to say it. He literally threatened their lives yesterday! Huey Freeman was a straightforward, reasonable, smart and calm person, but to threaten the lives of his own unborn children? That wasn't like him at all.

You didn't know if he himself was just scared of being a father, or if it was something else, but as of right now your main goal was to change his mind on kids. You loved Huey, but you didn't want to get rid of them just for him. So far you've carried those two for at least two months already in your womb, and you were shamelessly already attached.

As you had packed the bags that morning with all the clothes from Macy's you were crying, this was unfair. Putting the bags in the car Huey helped. Oh he helped alright! Huey dashed them into the trunk, not sparing you a glance. The most he had said to you that morning was, "hurry it up y/n."

Even breakfast was uncomfortable. When you had dropped the clothes back off, Huey took the money with a, "pleasure doing business with you!!" And a glare your way. You were ashamed, yes. Because your own boyfriend didn't want anything to do with kids. And because it was the same woman from yesterday, who stiffened at the situation feeling awkward and the second hand embarrassment.

Now here we come to the car, where the two of you currently were. Driving to the hospital. There was no music to cut through the thick tension in the air, and you were nervous to even touch the radio. But seeing as Huey was just busy on the road, and he didn't seem to give three fucks about you at the moment, you turned the radio on.

"And now, Babies, by Jay."

Your eyes lit up, this was your opportunity to probably get Huey in a good mood if the person sung about babies! You bob your head along to the soft melody the song gave off, and glanced to Huey. Huey only looked at the radio for a split second before his scowl deepened, and his eyes were on the road.

"Babies! They make you wanna go crazy!

Last time I checked I didn't want no fuckin baby!"

Now, you wanted to turn the radio off. Who the fuck would play such a song, in fact! Who would write shit like that?! Is this a joke?! As you stretched your hand to turn it off Huey smacked it away. Was he enjoying this shit?!

"They poop and they cry! They live then they die!

Make you wanna know why?! Why the fuck is it babies?

I swear to GOD I told her, don't want no babies."

After that, you quickly turned the radio off and looked back at your laps. Huey didn't stop you this time, he just kept on driving! A traffic light came up, and you were in a traffic jam. Your eyes were slanted at the afro headed man next to you. He was tapping his fingers on the wheel, looking at the long line of traffic.

"Damn, we gon be late for that appointment." Huey told you with a sly look. You glare, "well that's fine! I don't want to go anyway!" To this Huey sighed and looked back in front. "Why do you even want kids?" He asked you. You think of this carefully before rubbing your belly gently, "well, you start, I've always dreamt of having a family with someone that I love, and that I know loves me too. I want babies of my own, and I just love kids."

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