Treat You Right|| Huey & Riley

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You were tired as you slaved away in the kitchen for your boyfriend Riley Freeman. You tried to be the best girlfriend alive but every single thing you did seemed to anger him sometimes. Big things, little things. You started feeling as though maybe Riley didn't love you the way you loved him, but pushed that thought aside.

The door slammed shut, alerting you for his arrival. You stood dressed pretty for him waiting for Riley in the dining room. Riley looks at you up and down, "good night baby, I made you dinner." Riley simply grunted out a, "night." Then he sat at the table.

You sit opposite him enjoying his presence even though from time to time he would raise his voice at you or even lift a hand. "Why you dressed so nice?" Riley asked you. Though he was talking to you, his dark eyes were clearly somewhere else. He was thinking of other things besides you and you knew it.

"I just wanted to look pretty for you." You tell him. The 20 year old raised a brow at you before standing and slamming his hand on the table. "Aight, where the nigga at?!" He yells. "W-what are you talking about?" You ask him.

Riley glares at you, his braids falling over his shoulder as he grabbed your chin. "You better not have some other nigga up in this place while I'm gone." You started crying. Whenever he got this mad it always made you nervous. Riley was unpredictable.

You never knew when he was gonna strike or even how. "I swear Riley, you're the only one I love. I would never cheat on you!" Though you knew damn well that Riley went out at any time of the day to sleep around with all these different hoes. Riley pushed you back, sitting down and finishing his food.

After eating you wash the dishes. Riley didn't go to bed right away. The brown haired male lay there talking to someone on his phone. As you approached the room you overhead his conversation, and it wasn't pretty.

"You be on my mind twenty four seven baby. When are you coming back to my crib?" Said the female on the other line. Riley chuckled in a deep seductive way. "Baby I can't come back today, I'll catch up with you tomorrow sound cool?" The woman on the other end sucked her teeth. "You be saying that for a whole week straight Riley~'" ​​​​​​

Taking a deep breath you slammed the door open and glare at your boyfriend. You were visibly shaking out of anger. "Get off the fucking phone!" You yelled. Riley's eyebrows twitched as he spoke to the woman on the other end, "hold on imma call you back! I think this bitch trippin!"

He cuts the call off and stands towering over your small figure. "What did you just say to me?!" You poked at his chest, clearly fed up with his shit. You weren't going to take Riley's beatings and harsh words any longer!

"I am sick and tired of your cheating ass! I try so hard to please you! I dress up for you! I cook for you! I clean for you! I even go out of my way to change things up in bed and I quit my damn job for you, just because you didn't like my boss! Yet still you always go behind my back fucking around with hoes, coming home to yell at me! Accusing me of the impossible! Hitting at me like I'm some punching bag, and treating me like a piece of meat in bed! Fuck you Riley Freeman, we're done-"

The loud sound of Riley's hand slapping your face echoed throughout the house. You fall to your back, holding your cheek and crying. "Don't you EVER raise your fucking voice at me again hoe! You don't give a shit about me, no you don't! I be working my ass off every day so I could help bring food into this house and here YOU are, accusing me of cheating on you!" Riley calmed down.

He got to your side and held you close, running a hand on your hair. "I'm sorry y/n." You sob, holding him close and crying into his white t-shirt. Riley rubbed his hand down your back, guilt biting at his heart. You knew he was lying, but you went along with it.

"Stop crying now y/n." He told you. His voice changed. You squeak, feeling his hand snake Ari your waist. "I'm yours right baby?" He asked you. You whimpered, "y-yes. Y-you're mine." Riley smirked gripping at you even tighter, "and you're mine. Right baby?"

You sobbed harder. Your heart screamed no. Your mind whispered to go along with it. "Y-y-y." Riley looked to you and placed his hand on your neck. He looked deeply into your eyes just so you could spot the crazy on him.

"Y-yes! Yes! I'm yours Riley!" He nods, kissing you deeply. You kiss back, feeling as Riley eased up. He wasn't always like this. In the beginning, Riley was a sweet guy. He was so loving and didn't even know the meaning of the word cheat. He'd been that way for the 4 years you two have been dating, but it soon changed a year later.

He changed.

A week later, Riley heads over to his granddad's place, taking you along with him because he didn't trust you. Riley knocks on the door, and the one to open up with Robert Freeman.

"Hey! Been a while Riley!" Riley smiled and hugged Robert. Y/n's eyes widened as she spotted Riley's older brother pass by. Her heart thumped in her throat. He always made her feel a strange way whenever they hung out. Riley entered and you come in behind him.

"Huey! You still living here nigga!?" Yelled Riley. Huey glanced at Riley. His scowl indeed was permanent. "No. I come visit grandad as much as possible to ensure he doesn't have a heart attack." Robert glared at Huey but turned his attention back to Riley.

"I see you've brought your girlfriend!" You smiled at Robert and held his hand bowing. "Hi Mr. Freeman." Robert smiles and bowed back, "I still don't understand how a sweet girl like you could possibly end up with this stupid wanna be gangster!" Robert hits the top of Riley's head before heading off to the kitchen.

"Lemme help you out granddad!" Riley went into the kitchen with Robert leaving you behind with Huey. The chocolate toned male had you sit on the coach in the living room. He stared at you for a very long time. Huey began to examine you, from top to bottom.

The way he stared you down made you blush furiously. "Long sleeved shirt, baggy pants, sunglasses." You raise an eyebrow at the older Freeman brother. Where was he getting at? Huey sighs coming closer to you. Huey places a hand on your face and you flinch.

He removes his hand at looked to his palm. "Thick layer of make-up." Huey gave an angry sigh, "I've seen this all too often. He's hitting you isn't he?" You felt as your heart rate increase. You started tearing up just as Huey removed your sunglasses. "Look what that boy did to you!"

You started sobbing all of a sudden. Huey felt bad for you. He didn't know what to do at first, but Huey found himself comforting you. "Stop crying now y/n. Hurry up and wipe your tears before Riley comes in and things turn to shit." Honestly, Huey didn't want to be part of your business.

He was upset his brother was that kind of guy, but he couldn't do anything about the situation. "Y'all are gonna have to work on your problems. That's all I could say." Then again there was another truth to be told.

It hurt Huey to see you like this. His long time love, abused by his little brother. He wished he could have told you how he felt earlier.

Riley enters the room, he held a scowl on his face that just got more angry seeing how close you were to Huey. "Baby, it's time we go now." Said Riley. You looked into Huey's maroon eyes and stood, fear ran through your veins.

Riley placed his arm around your waist and leaned down, kissing your neck then your cheek. He whispered in your ears, "you know you don fucked up right?" You felt your face heat, and Riley takes you out of his granddad's home, rushing you to the car.

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