Pregnant?|| Huey [PT.3]

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I apologize for not being able to update any other one shots! I'll try and see if I can give a part two to Riley & Huey reader [Treat You Right]


"Good food! Good food!" Robert sung to himself as he was indeed cooking up some good food for himself and Riley. The phone began to ring, and he didn't feel at all like moving.

"HUEY!!" Robert paused. "Oh yeah that black bitch left us to move into a nice little apartment with his cute little girlfriend ​​​​​​. RILEY!!"


"Get your ass down here and answer this phone!! And don't answer me with WHAT!" There was constant groaning as Riley came stomping down the stairs. "Whatchu cooking?" "I cook what I cook, and you EAT what's on the plate! Don't ask me what I'm cookin boy."

Sucking his teeth the cornrowed boy picked up the phone and spoke into it, "what the hell you people want?!"

"Good evening sir. Am I speaking with Mr. Freeman?" "It's two of us so yeah. Speakin!"

"Sir, your grandson has been injured in an accident, along with his girlfriend. We've brought them to Gotland Hospital. Will you be able to make it?" Riley's mouth was left hung open. Turning around Robert starts, "boy who is ON THE PHONE?" Seeing his state made Robert drop the pot spoon and come over, snatching the phone from Riley's hand.

"Okay listen here, I don't know who the fuck you are but you mess with the wrong people--" "good evening sir. Your grandson and his girlfriend have been injured in a car accident and we've brought them to Gotland Hospital. Didn't you hear me earlier, sir?" Now it was Robert's turn to stare off in shock. "I-I heard you, ma'am. Apologies for my choice of words. We'll be down there right away."

Robert placed the phone down, turned the stove off and grabbed his car keys. "Whoa now where you goin?!" "You mean US! We're going to see your brother and his girlfriend!" "But granddad! I was just bout to stroll down the streets and hang with Cindy! You see that? One phone call on Huey and his bitch, ALL my plans foiled!"

"Boy!!" Robert smacked him, "Huey is in the HOSPITAL! He could be on his near death as we're speaking right now! And the same goes for y/n!"

Riley didn't bother arguing. As they were driving out they came across Tom, Sarah and Jasmine as they're exiting their own house to probably go out. "Family dinner night!" Tom squealed like a little girl.

"Tom!" Robert yelled at him, "Huey and Y/n are in the hospital! They got in an accident!" "Accident?" Tom thought back on the news, "wait, THAT BRUTAL ACCIDENT WAS HUEY AND Y/N!!"

"Hold on now, brutal?!" "You should have been watching the news! Who would have thought that unfortunate couple were our people!" Sarah told Robert with tears in her blue eyes. "We're heading to the hospital right now!" "We're coming!" Tom got in his car, and Sarah joined.

But Jasmine got with Robert and Riley. "Why the fuck did you come HERE of all cars bitch?" "Because I want to get there faster!" Jasmine told him, "I'm worried about Huey!" "Don't forget his girlfriend." "Yeah, her too!" Jasmine sobs into her hands as Robert drove off.

Riley took no leisure in comforting her, Robert tried calming her down, and her crying just made Riley more nervous and pissed at the same time.

[Time skip]

The heart monitor forever beeped in Huey's ear when he woke up, but that was cool. It let him know you and him were still alive. Huey glanced to his left, looking at your sleeping figure made him wanna cry.

'If I hadn't forced her out the house to not only give the clothes back, but abort our babies none of this would've happened!'

He closed her amber eyes and quietly sobbed.

Two minutes into his crying the door was slammed open making his heart skip a beat! "Where's my grandson?!" "Huey!!" "Oh lord, so I break my arm y'all don't talk! When THIS nigga in hospital y'all could cry?!" "Oh, Huey! You okay?" "WE'RE SO WORRIED!!"

Huey's head was about to pop off, that's for sure. "Aye! Y/n's sleeping! Shut up!!"

That silenced them. Robert sighed and they all surrounded the beds. "Where hurts?" Robert asked. "My head's throbbing and my leg and arm is obviously in a cast, but other than that nothing else." "Sigh, we were so scared for you boy."

Huey averted his eyes to you. "Yeah well, you should worry about her more." "Why Huey?" Jasmine asked with her hand on his shoulder. "Because she's pregnant, and get your hand off me."

"Did you just say that bitch was pregnant?" Riley asked his brother. He dropped to his knees, "nigga what you THINKIN?! Huh! Issa trap man!" "No it ain't Riley! Now get off the floor it's NASTY!"

"Pregnant?!" Robert gripped his chest, "so that means thid was far more fatal for her than you?! Huey you fucking selfish little boy!" He walked to your bed sobbing, "my GOD! Great grandbaby don't you dare die!" To this Huey only scowled some more.

"Pregnant?" Jasmine was crying, "h-how can s-she be pregnant? Y-you should leave her then H-Huey, because you have t-to marry first b-before pregnancy! W-what if Riley's right? It could b-be a trap!" "Jasmine not because I didn't choose you instead of her doesn't mean you can come all the way here just for me to move out this bed and cut your hair off."

"She's pregnant?" Tom asked, "that's WONDERFUL! It's great for you two AND for myself! That means when we go to court for that crazy criminal I can for sure get him to give plenty a' money for this!"

Sarah was crying, but for a different reason, "is the baby okay?" "I don't even know. Nurse didn't tell me much after I woke up, so... maybe."

Huey sits up slowly, "and for the record! It's twins so stop saying baby."

"Twins?!" Robert held his chest where his heart was, "boy I can't afford to babysit no twins when you two get restless and want to start fucking!"

"Oh my goodness, first one then two. Make up your mind nigga! Twins? That's some bullshit, and you hardcore nasty! How many times you bang the poor bitch just to get her knocked up for you with twins?!"

"Oh... that's shocking." Jasmine looked to her feet.

"Twins?! Oh JOY!!" Sarah grabbed Huey's hand, "I can't wait to shower them with gifts once they're born!!" "Yup! And that's double the money you get Huey!"

A nurse came to break it up. "Visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow at 7am, 10am, and 3pm." "Thank you." Tom told her.

When they left at last, the nurse spoke to Huey. "You're lucky, as well as your wife. All three of them survived! The only thing is, your wife's got a cracked ribcage and a twisted knee. But, the babies are okay. Not a single one of them, hurt. Your wife did a number to protect those two. She's a miracle woman I tell yah."

Next the nurse pats your shoulder.

You stir around for a bit, then you wake up and glance around at the white room. "Time for your medicine." Giving you some Panadol to drink, you loathed the taste of it. She leaves, and you look to Huey.

"How do you still manage to look sexy in a gown?" His eyes were full of love, and a smirk came to his face. "I love you too, stupid." And of course you stare back at him with admiration, and hopes of really having a future with these children.

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