Treat You Right|| Riley & Huey

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You were bolted in through the front door of your home, barely stepping up to the door with Riley right behind you. His arms were crossed and his jaw was tight staring down at your figure. "You wanna sleep with my brother like a whore?" You didn't get the chance to respond because your face was kicked in. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, the door slamming sounded so far away as did his heavy angry footsteps. 

Riley went far into the bedroom and sat down. There he took out a cigarette and he puffed his life away staring out the window. He was wasted, he stayed there until 6 and got up when he was hungry. The man outs his cigar and throws it out the window. He rubs his barely there beard and exits the room, pulling his pants up in the process. 

He was in the kitchen looking in the fridge and cupboard for food. He slammed each door when he found nothing and even went to the oven. "This damn bitch...Y/N!!" He opened every pot cover and threw them to the ground getting angrier at the sight of no food. "Y...N!" Again no response. "Where the fuck is she?!" He yelled to himself. Riley came stomping past the front door and that's where he saw you, in the same position as 2 hours ago, knocked out with blood rolling down your nose. 

His face paled and his heart skipped a beat. "Shit." He muttered. He walked over and picked you up by the head. He slapped your face lightly. "Hey, hey wake up." He said shaking you. "Hey wake UP!!" His slap got harder and you woke up with your heart pounding on your rib. You looked around frightened, Riley stared down at you with concern. "Yo you good?" He asked you. You couldn't respond. The room was spinning and you felt like throwing up.

"Shit SHIT!" Riley dropped you back down to put his hands in his head. "She's gonna die. I gotta do something! I can't afford to go to jail right now!!" He got a glass of cold water and came back to see that you had passed out again, and he threw the water on your face. "Hey hey keep them open!!" You only heard his voice like he was muffled. It made no sense whatever it was he was saying.

When he saw you weren't cooperating he just did the next best thing. Which would be the next worst thing for him. He called his brother.

"Huey..." Riley whispered his name over the phone. Huey lets out a long and tired sigh. He was tired of the little shit. "What?" "I need your help. I did something bad man..." The first person that came to mind was you for some reason. The afro wearing man dropped all that he was doing and he ran out the house.

When he got to Riley's home Huey slammed the door down, no time to knock. "Where is she?" Riley looked surprised. He didn't think Huey would have ever thought it to be you. "S-she's—" "Just MOVE out the way!!" Huey rushed to your side and picked you up. You started waking up but you also had a horrible headache. 

Huey didn't make eye contact with Riley out of anger. He knew if he did he would fight his brother and he wouldn't stop until he won. 

[Later That Evening]

Huey never left your side and Riley never showed his face. He didn't know what would happen if he arrived. Would Huey snitch? His brother was always an odd ball. He would most definitely snitch, he thought. So when you finally came to be, your face was bandaged, because your jaw was dislocated and your nose was broken. You didn't know where to turn to, but you felt someone holding your hand and their hand didn't feel like Riley's.

A tear fell. 

"Hey hey, don't cry." Huey was quick to be on his feet and to wipe your tear. "You're safe now." He gently stroked your hair and to this you cried harder. "Can't believe I let myself be a victim..." "Don't you ever say that." Huey was quick to correct you. "You didn't do that to yourself. You're not at fault, y/n." 

He sat back down in the chair next to your hospital bed and he continued to hold your hand. He looked so sad, and because he knew something was wrong but didn't do anything he blamed himself. "I should've done. I could've saved you long ago if I did." "It's okay Huey. Don't be hard on yourself." "You don't get to speak on this y/n. I know myself and I am guilty." 

When the nurses and patients saw Huey come in with you looking all beaten they immediately thought he did that to you. Up to now the doctor didn't come with the police to make a statement. They just didn't trust his appearance. They stereotyped him. 

"Would you like me to call you a doctor? Seeing as you're awake and all." You nodded with a smile. "Yes, please. That would be great." Huey gave you an encouraging smile before he left. In two minutes he was back with a doctor, nurse and two officers. They were ready to take a statement, your statement, but you weren't. After so long you finally have the chance to tell somebody about the abuse, to tell the authorities but here you are choked up! 

Even the police was giving you strange looks.

"I-I need a minute.." you told the police. They stood there for a minute to look at one another, then they nodded to each other and left. Huey rubbed behind his head and leaned back letting out a sigh. "They think it's me.." "But why?" He gave you a raised brow and you blushed, embarrassed. 

"Oh yeah, right." You felt Huey's hand lay on top of yours, and you look up to him to see that he has given you a kiss on the forehead. 

"When they come back in, you tell them the truth. I will make sure you get justice for what he's done to you. I don't care that he's my brother, he's wrong." You only nod. "You can stay with me once you're out. I'll take care of you." "Thanks Huey, you're really good to me. Like an older brother." 

Ouch. Brother-zoned.

The police came back in and they gave Huey a look. He took it as his sign to leave the room and he did without looking back as you came out to them on your story. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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