So Far From Here- Chapter 4

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After the confrentation with Josh, I retreated to my room and fell asleep dead like a rock.

Waking up, sunlight filtering small amoutns of light from the window I rubbed my bleary eyes and got up. Taking in my new soroundings, I smiled to myself. Getting out of the warm bed, I scrambled around looking for clean cothes. Settling on a pair of grey jeans, a t-shirt and black cardigan I ran a comb through my hair. Using my straightener and curler, I put a few curls in. I did care about my dead straight hair that I loved to style.

I had attempted to get clothes of my taste without anyone noticing so I could go to Vancouver as I would if I were on my own. Sadly, I only got a few pairs of jeans and t-shirts. Some of it, my parents found out of and threw them out.

Climbing up the wooden and carpet covered stairs. Opening the door, I was greated by the warm sent of baking and breakfast. We usuallly had a personnal chef at home that secretly taught me how to cook. Home cooking was a froeign thing to me. Wandering through the hall and into the kitchen I saw the glass breakfast table. Seated around it was Josh.

Getting into his view, he gave me a big hug. Shocked, he hugged me tighter. "My mom left bacon, pancakes and eggs on a plate for you." I nodded picking up the warm plate from the heating element on their stove. Taking a seat at the table Josh continued to talk.

"If you're wondering, it's five minutes past noon." Looking up with a mouthfull of the great food I checked the beat up clock on the wall that was the shape of a music note. Sure enough, it was past noon.

"Jetlag" I replied.

"Sarah isn't gonna be wth you on the weekends." shocked, I looked up to meet his eyes.

"Ok" I replied casually. If shge wasn't gonna be hanging out with me, why did I risj=k everything to bother coming?

"I'm gonna go redo my hair. You wanna come?" I looked up at him confused. I shrugged. I had nothing better to do. "Hurry up then, we have to leave now."

Pushing away the palte, I got up and grabbed my purse. "Let's go"

Climbing into the truck, the first thing Josh did was turn on the radio. "Sarah told you I was in a band right?"

"Gave me your autographed editions." I gave him a friendly smirk. He looked at me wide eyed.

"THOSE RETAIL FOR $25 EACH" he freaked out jokingly. He turned serious. "Did you listen to them?" he asked.

"They're really good."

He bowed as well as he coulde while driving. "Thank you. It takes a lot of work to be as amazing as I am." I rolled my eyes as he burst out laughing. The rest of the way there he hummed and sang along to the radio. He stopped when a certain song came on. I recognized it from one of the CDs Sarah gave me.

Not even realising it, I started to sing it silently. Josh looked at me and I blushed. That was really emberassing.

"Don't stop, you're really good"  I shook my head and stayed silent the rest of the way. He sensed it and didn't talk or hum. I wasn't used to all those compliments at once.

Finally stopping in a parking spot we didn't get out of the car. Pulling on a pair of tacky sunglasses with the bars across the front that obscured your vision he handed me a pair. Putting them on, I realized it was much easier to see.

"Because you are a guest, I will give you a pair of my treasured sunglasses and some cash." he took lout a wad and started flipping through some before handing me some. I gave it back to him.

"I can support my self." pulling out my wallet, I showed him the even bigger wad of Canadian cash and row of credit cards that were completely paid off. He stared at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, you can probably support yourself." he said with a smile. Getting out of the car, he quickly ran next to me and snapped a picture of us. I smiled in time before frowning at him.

"What was yhat for? "

"Hourly Tweet" he smiled. He typed away as I stood there nodding. I knew what Tweeting was cause I secretly did myself.

"@Allison_ Hoode please" I grinned before we walked our diffrent ways. I passed by some bakeries and delis before coming across some clothng boutique. Taking a cautious step inside I realized it was mostly as people would say "grunge, rocker and hipster" clothing. I smiled feeling the "rebellion". My mom bought clothes for me that were so conservative buisness person.

"Can I help you?" I turned to see a guy with so many piercings on his face, it looked grotesque. 

"I'm fine." H enodded walking away. Walking through the closely tied rows, I picked out some clothes I wouldn't dare get in front of my parents.

A few hoodies, jeans, t-shirts, tights, shorts, dresses and I was set to go. The cashier who was a girl with coloured chunks of hair greeted me with a dry "Cash or credit?"

Giving her some cash that she was shocked to see I had I walked out. Nearby a shoe store sat with rows of boots and runners.

Grabbing a pair of boots, heels and Converse I payed and ran out of the store. 

I ran into the hair place that Josh was at. Running in, Josh looked at me with confused at eyes at me. Regaining a smile I took a seat next to him. He had foil in his hair that I was well aware was for the blue parts.

We sat staring face to face, Josh fingered one of my curls, "Do you always spend this much time focusing on your hair?" I rolled my eyes.

"Do you?" I laughed.

"Not my fault I'm a natural blonde." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Really now?" Now he rolled his eyes.

"Yes Miss Allison. Anymore questions? No. Ok, meet me back at thr truck. Ten more minutes ok?" I shrugged taking the keys from couter in front of Josh. 

Walking out of the salon and to the truck, I was struck by the call of, "Allison?!"

Turning around, I murmered, "Crap. No."

So Far From Here (A Marianas Trench <Josh Ramsay> FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now