So Far From Here- Chapter 5

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I picked up a pace so to not show the follower I was getting away from them. Rounding a corner to reach the hair place Josh was at, the guy kept calling out "Allison!"

Just as I made it, Josh came out smiling but a look at my shocked face sent him into a frightened look. Not even saying "hi" bypassing him, "Start the car now Josh" I whispered as I climbed in. But no, Josh had a different approach.

"But this guy is calling for you" I cringe. No escaping it now. I get out of the car with a superficial smile.

"Cody!" I say holding back some form of dread. Cody smiles since I recognize him.

"Allison, it is so nice to find you!" he exclaims. He hugs me tightly and pecks me on the cheekJosh raises an eyebrow at me.

"Cody, this is Josh. Sarah's brother." Josh gives a friendly smile. "Josh, this is, Cody." I lower my eyes. I wasn't going to extend the introduction.

"Nice to meet you Joshua. I'm Allison's boyfriend." Another raised eyebrow from Josh.

"That isn't true!" I sounded like a lying three year old. Cody gives a playful chuckel. "It really isn't."

"I guess so. You did break up with me last Septemeber. But your parents sent me to come retrieve you. So let us be on our way." I could tell Cody was trying not to yell at me and drag me by the wrist.

It was true that Cody was at some point my boyfriend but it was set up by our parents who were friends. Even though he was all blonde haired and blue eyes on the outside and all well behaved, in the inside it was a diffrent story. He had a low tolerance for joking and was very, erm, boyish trying to get into me. Literally.

"No." I said it with a stern tone. Even Cody was surprised. Josh just looked at the two of us as he casually lay against his truck's hood. 'I am not going back."

He gave me a suoperficial smile, "But you must." "

"I'm not going home." I raised my voice a little. "Make me." I whimpered.

He grabbed my wrist so it appeared as a soft gesture but he was seriously gripping hard. Dragging me slightly, Josh finally intervened.

"She's not going anywhere." he said cooly.

"How would you know? You're nothing but a ratty muscician." Cody sneered. Josh just rolled his eyes.

"Ah yes, and will you being having tea and crumpit with the Queen later? I wouldn't want to trouble you." Josh imitated, or at least tried to, a British accent. I had to take every strand of willpower not to burst out laughing at Josh's accent and Cody's reaction.

"Very well then. Your parents will be hearing of this Allison." Cody let go of me and stalked off in the oposite direction.

"Well then, that was a very jolly good show." exclaimed Josh with his accent. I laughed this time.

"Stop it Josh!" I nudged him playfully. He stuck his tongue out at me.

"So, your ex- boyfriend eh? Are you dating currently" I shook my head. My parents had a lot of "suitors" for me. "What do you mean arranged?" he murmured.

I sighed rubbing my temples. "Cody's parents, the Froiders are friends and collected with my parents. Once they found out about Cody and me they figured they could possibly be a "family" they jumped the chance to."

Josh nodded understandingly. "Why'd you leave him?"

"He was an abusive, horny guy. I couldnt imagine bring married to that. Our parents were crushed. "

He nodded again as he continued to drive on.

"If you ever see him again, please run and I mean RUN the opposite direction." warned Josh. "I seriously don't want a creep near you. Ever"

"That means I would need you out of my prescence" I joked with Josh. He replied it with a small smile and chuckle

"I know that."

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