So Far From Here- Chapter 2

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That guy ------>

(Josh Ramsay)

~Allison's POV

It turned out that "Timmies" was Tim Hortons and it was amazing. Even though I had no idea what I was ordering. We drove silently, besides the hum from the radio and Josh humming along. We pulled up into a regular two-storey house. By the time we got there, it had stopped raining. Taking a quick look into the mirror, I saw my light brown hair. I hated how my light brown hair was almost blonde but not blonde. And not dark enough to be brown. It was inbetween as my mom would say. Lucky her, she had 100% blond and my dad 100% brown. Light brown. So I dyed  the bangs all blonde.  It had turned out all right with my layers but my parents almost had a heart attack. My boring swanp-green eyes stared back.

I hoped out overly excited. I barley made it up the walkway before Sarah came rushing out the door. "ALLISON!" we hugged as Josh leaned against his truck with my bags rolling his eyes. "Ït's not like you guys haven't seen each other for like, a day." Sarah slaps his shoulder playfully.

"Go to Matt's house or something." Josh shrugged and drove off. Sarah ran her hands through her blonde hair. I would've liked all blonde but my mom would've disapproved. "So how was the flight?"

"10 hours in Economy Class. Answer that yourself" I joked. She laughed. "You must be starving yourself"

I shook my head, "Joshua dragged me to Tim Hortons" I said waving my paper bag that had contained a blueberry muffin. Sarah laughed again.

"Obviously Josh would win you over with a MUFFIN" We walked into the house, we dragged in my heavy baggage as I took in the house. IT looked like people actually lived here. Unlike my house, it looked like people desserted it, but let people clean it every three days. The furniture and the walls were covered with really amazing pieces. I smiled as I looked around.

"Like it?" SArah asked.

"Tottally" I smiled.

"Let me show you your room. It used to be Josh's music room but we made him move it out just for you. It's in the basement if you don't mind." I didn't. I pratically ran down the stairs into the basement which was an open area with intruments and a tv. On either side of the walls, 2 doors led. Sarah pointed to the one on the left. "That's yours and the other's is Josh's"

I opened the door which had a sparkly letter "A" hanging from it. Inside was a simple dresser, closet, old tv and stereo and a simple bed. With Josh laying on it.

"Josh" He turned to us. He was too busy eating his chips and watching some stupid cartoon on. A cat was curled next to him. He smiled innocently. Sarah hit him with a magazine that was lying around.

"It's Allison's room" she frowned. He nodded. "Ï know. But I claim it afterwards."  We must've been making a lot of noise because Sarah's mom (Coralynn) came down. She smiled when she saw me. "Ällison." she gave me a hug. 

"Ï thought you were at Matt's?"she questioned Josh who didn't even get up from my bed. He swallowed whatever he was eating.

"And I think you forgot that you left the window to the basement unlatched." he was right. A cold draft was coming from the window that led to my bedroom from outside was opened. It was quite big and Josh could probably fit on it. Plus it was over a plush loking couch so it wouldn't hurt to fall off.

Sarah's mom rolled her eyes. "So is that where you've been sneaking girls?" we all laugh at that except Josh who was blushing.

"Ï'm gonna go to Matt's, for real this time." he grabbed his car keys and I think for humor purposes, climbed through the window. So for a while, we watched surprassing laughs as half of Josh was outside while the other half hanging in my room. I smiled because I was amused. Eventually we broke into laughter and Josh called to us. "Help please?" his mom pulled him back into my room hitting him across the head with the magazine.

"This time, you're going to use the stairs. Ok?"

"Ï almost made it..." he mumbled before walking away. We burt into laughter as Sarah's mom went back upstairs.  "Ï'm gonna leave you alone to unpack ok? I'll be outside." the moment she left I collapsed on the bed. This felt more like a home than what I left behind In London. Something hard was in my bed. I looked around to find a Canadian Loonie in it. REMEMBER TO CHANGE YOUR CURRENCY  in Josh's scrawl (which I have now called Josh Font) on a StickiePad stuck on the loonie said. I packed all my clothes thinking about Josh's gift.

So Far From Here (A Marianas Trench <Josh Ramsay> FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now