So Far From Here- Chapter 7

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I gaped at Cody. "Now?"

He smiled. "Yeah." he got up and started to lead me by the wrist to someplace "secret". I knew if he tried to drag me away, Josh would hear my screams. Josh got up to start following us but I motioned for him to sit down.

Cody lead us to some fancier part of the restraunt. A garden area with a silent fountain. He lead me there untill we were faced to faced. He gave me a nervous smile.

"You look great." he whispered in my ear like Josh. Only when Josh did it, it was more sincere sounding. This sounded like he of home.

Stoping the engine, he turned to me witha concerned look. "Alli, what happened" he held my hand.

"Cody.Tried. To. Bring. Me. Home" I stuttered in between sobs. "Last. Week. To"

Josh nodded. " Calm yourself down." he commanded in a soothing way. Taking deep breaths. "Now talk."

"He cornered me with a bunch of body guards. They tried to take me home. Cause no on wanted me to come here. Knew I would run off and never come back. They sent Cody. This is my last week to return before horrible things. It would ruin their image. I can't go back. Otherwise an arranged marriage with Cody" I said in one gulp. Afterwards, tears flowed down.

"Is Cody actually your cousin?" considoring what his Grandpa said.

Josh sighed. "Yeah. We akways have hated each other. My aunt, his mother moved them to London. She was married to a millionair which I assume is why you guys know each other. Based on your parent's demeanour of course" It was just pure coincidence that Sarah and Josh were related to him.

Josh hugged me "I'll never let that happen. Promise"

"Thanks Josh." I gave him a greatful smile. "Your're like a brother to me."

He gave me a confused look, " I don't want to be like a brother to you." I raised an eyebrow at him. Did I say something wrong?

"I'm sorry then." I muttered quickly.

" Don't be. It's me." he gave me a sad smile.

"Why's that?"

"You know when I found out that Cody, my cousin may I add, dated you. So it was like he was dating my sister. But if that's bad enough, I have a crush on my "sister". That's you." Josh looked down. Did he really just say that?

Speechless I just stared at him. Did I like him back? Sure I did. When he hugged me I enjoyed it. But as I said, Josh was like my brother.

"Josh..." I stuttered. More quiet.

"Can I just kiss you already?" asked Josh playfully. What was there to loose now?

I gave him a sly smirk. Pulling at his tie so he would inch forward. He gave me a hopefilled smile. Just as we were inches apart, I kissed him at the very most corner of his mouth.

"TEASE!" He yelled in my ear playfully. I grinned.

"I know am I" another smirk. I turned to him again. He was smiling like an idiot. That's when I finally kissed him.

Josh didn't see it coming but afterwards he got it. My hands find themselves laced around his neck and eventually tangled in his hair. His hands on my waist as he pulled me into his lap so I straddled him. His lips soft against mine. That damn tongue ring of his kept poking at my lips.

"Stop it Josh." I told him in-between. He grinned mischievously.

"You know you love it." I roll my eyes. He couldn't tell cause my eyes were closed.

"Shut up" and we continued on. We really did kiss like we would die without each other. Finally when "decided" we were done cause our lips were probably really sore.

"Funny thing is," I started as Josh started the engine and started heading home, "is we've only known each other for like three days and we just made out like we've known each other forever." we both laughed.

"Actually I'VE known you forever. And had a crush on you forever. Sometimes I'd creep up as Sarah was welcoming or whatever and you'd laugh. And I'd think you looked so pretty." I rolled my eyes.

"Doesn't count." I countered.

He leaned over for another kiss, instead they brushed my ear as he whispered, "We are

NEVER telling Sarah, got it?" we laughed afterwards

"Don't want your sister to know you've got a crush on her friend?"

"Never said that"

"Are you sure about that?" I raised my eyebrow at him with a smirk. "I have a crush on you" I mimicked in the best Josh tone I could try.

"Good job. You mastered British Josh" he said sarcastically. I slapped him playfully.

"You know you love me" I said challenging him.

"Never said that"

"Never denied it," frustrated, "Can we stop with the Never game?"

"Whatever pleases you" he said sarcastically again clenching for the hit. I didn't this time.

"I'm telling Sarah you got me in the corner and made out with me" I said with an evil smirk.

"I did NOT make out with you in the corner. I did in the car." he countered.

Rolling my eyes, "Just an expression. Why don't you want me to tell Sarah?"

"Cause. She's gonna go all hyper freak. Trying to set us up and stuff. Trut me, I've seen it." I laughed at him.

We finally pulled up into the drive way of the house. I handed Josh his jacket that I had around my shoulders still. He shook it away. "Take it. And act sick."


"My excuse to lead you our and makeout remember?" he said winking at mr. I rolls my eyes. I swear, I sometimes hated Josh. But it was hard to sometimes.

So Far From Here (A Marianas Trench <Josh Ramsay> FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now