So Far From Here- Chapter 20

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The flight to Toronto would be about 5-6 hours from Vancouver. And I would be spending them next to the guy I cheated on.

The plane had rows of twos, so it was me and Josh in one set, Matt and his newly declared girlfriend Sadi, Ian and his girlfriend Kim and Mike and his girlfriend Megan. Their kid, Tristian, was seated near his parents.

I had fallen asleep for two hours while Josh watched horror movies that I couldn't bear to watch.

Waking up, Josh was probably starting another movie. Noticing I was awake, he turned over to me.

"Hey" he said with a tired smirk. We had been awake since 4 in the morning, getting ready, with the band to fly out to Toronto.

Marianas Trench was gonna be playing during the half time show at the Grey Cup Tournament. This was a big thing for them.

"Let me see!" I whined for the thousandth time in the past 48 hours.

"No!" Josh exclaimed putting two of his big hands over his head, covered with a grey beanie.

Before we started packing to leave for Toronto, Josh had done "something so drastic it'll blow your dick off" (his words not mine).

He said he was gonna surprise me during the show.

In the mean time, he was being super secretive over it.

In fact, while we lining up to get our carry on bags checked, he made sure to go a few people forward. In a different line.

JUST so I couldn't see this "drastic" change when he took off his beanie to get it checked.

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because, I want to surprise you!" He said in the same tone, including the British accent.

"But I don't wanna be surprised" I countered

"Too bad!" Josh said smugly before coming down to kiss me.


Looking across the isle, where Sadie and Matt were seated.

Matt blushed being caught with Sadie spying on Josh and I.

Sadie being Sadie, started to babble about our cuteness.

"Ok. That's enough" Matt interjected, kissing her right on the mouth.

Right after, Sadie started joking about how that was like the first romantic thing Matt ever did.

"This is gonna be a long ride" Ian sighed from behind us.

"Only 3 hours and 30 ish minutes." Mike replied. He continued to make funny faces for Tristian who laughed with Megan.


The time difference between Tornto and Vancouver is 3 hours ahead which didn't help the sleep problem.

It would've been 12:30 ish in Vancouver.

Luckily, the Grey Cup was the next day, so we could spend today resting from jetlag.

Grabbing our luggage, we made our ways out of the airport.

"HOLY FUCK IT'S MARIANAS TRENCH!" A voice called from behind.

All of us turned around, confirming us to be who we were suspected to be to the voice.

She started to run towards us, her purse thrown to the ground, picked up by her amused mother, who stood from a distance.

This girl was wearing a t-shirt for some band called Panic! at the Disco and jean shorts and grey and blue Vans. Her hair was clearly dyed black and blue.

"Shit." Josh mumbled. I was shocked he would be like that to a fan, but I guess he was just tired and irritable.

Matt was the same way. "Is that... Quinn?"

"MATT! JOSH! IAN! MEGAN! MIKE! SADIE! KIM! TRISTIAN!" she ran faster as she tackled Josh into a hug.

I felt a flush in my cheeks. Was it the fact she was actually fairly pretty and she was hugging my boyfriend. But I would assume she'd be more loyal to Josh if they would be dating.

"Hey Quinn!" Josh said uncomfortably, still being hugged y her.

"Ohmigosh you remember me?" she said gasping with a smile on her face.

"How can we not?" Matt replied smiling superficially.

The guys passed around a sheet of paper, signing it for her. Nothing seemed fishy about her; she seemed genuienly greatful. Maybe a littleon the crazy, but nothing suspicious

She turned to me. I was standing a little off to the side. "Who are you?"

"Allison" I replied. Josh and I decided we weren't gonna go public with our relationship.

She raised an eyebrow at me "And you're with the guys because..."

Rude, I thought. "Which guys? I'm not with any of them"

"Bullshit" she mumbled. "We'll thanks you guys!" She said and ran off.

"That was Quinn. She was our stalker for a while. She doesn't know it, but the song Toy Soldiers is dedicated to her" Matt explained quickly

I laughed.

We made or way in a fancy limo because that was the only vehicle that would fit our big group to the hotel.

Each couple had their own room. Which was convenient for everyone but me.

I was busy unpacking when Josh brushed against me so my back was pressed against his chest and his arms were around my waist.

"I'm dying to get in your pants" he told me honestly.

I have him a smile "Too bad I'm busy" and possibly contracted an oral STD from some guy named Brennan.

"But Allisonnn" he pouted.

"Later" I promised kissing him on the lips. In that attempt, I tried to take of his beanie in which would've been funny to haves sex with.


The field was buzzing with excitement. The Argos were in the lead and Toronto was excited.

I was separated from the guys, with Sadie, Kim and Megan to some VIP box with other die hard fans. They didn't recognize us with our Argo gear and cheap Pom poms.

We watched the Beiber act with a bored expression. But then came Marianas Trench.

First of all, I noticed my boyfriend's hair. Which was now blonde and blue, causing his pale features to stand out. Stepping out on to stage, the first notes of Stutter playing, he searched the crowd for my eyes.

He smiled before singing their new hit, Stutter. The guys looked so happy to be there and we couldn't help but be happy and sing a long.

They finished the song with a cannon of confetti before Josh stopped the crowd.

"I've got to ask the crowd something" the crowd cheered as he tried to catch his breath from the strenuous performance "Well one person in general"

He glanced at my way and all the girls followed the gaze to our general direction. I blushed but tried to act subtle.

He got down on one knee and the whole stadium started to cheer.

Holy. Fuck. No.

"Allison" he paused. Everyone searched for "Allison". But I was trying to hide my excitement. As well as Sadie, Kim and Megan. "Will you be in my band's next video cause we're to cheap to hire someone else?"

He said it in one breath as everyone laughed. Josh gave me his award winning smile as I nodded my head with a wide grin.

I was so glad it wasn't really a marriage proposal. Cause I couldn't imagine how he'd be when I would say No.




I'm. Sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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