So Far From Here- Chapter 17

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The sparkly material clung to me tightly as we made our way into the "adult restaurant".

"You excited?" Shelly said bouncing over to me. I smiled broadly at her. We entered the warm club where people were intoxicated and grinding against each other.

Sarah told us to meet her in a private room.

We walked up the stairs, my silver shoes matching my sparkling silver dress clicked on the stairs. Entering the room, I was pleased to find a terrace that over looked the place.

"Hey you guys!" Sarah called over. She was lounging on a seat in a tight black dress, a pink boa and heels. To finish it off, a pink sparkly tiara and veil.

More of the female guests, so Sarah's other friends, showed up and then the party started.

I promised I wouldn't drink but most promises are meant to be broken.

First it was the fancy cocktail drink with the vodka and pretty umbrella. It was really sweet and I asked for another one.

"We promised Joshy that you would behave for him!" Shawn said, not as wasted as I was at the moment. Yet still drinking heavily.

My straight hair was matted against my head. I laughed really loud. "Just a few drinks. It's my friend's bachelorette party"

"DANCEFLOOR!" One of Sarah's friends, Glenn, yelled as she headed in her heels to the messy dance floor.

Sarah who was by far the most wasted of us all smiled at me as she dragged me onto the dancefloor.

I had a couple more fancy alcoholic drinks. They just made me be able to enjoy this more than have to worry about anyone.

Three hours into the night, I was having trouble walking.

"Heyy" I slurred to the bartender who had gotten to know me since I went for drinks so often. I propped myself by the bar stool.

"Hi there!" He said smiling broadly. Carter was his name, according to his name tag.

"Another one of those red ones with the swirly straw!" I told him using my finger to demonstrate the swirly straw. I tripped on air and I giggled in response.

Carter leaned in and kissed me tenderly on the mouth. Even though there was a bar between us, he still managed to drag me not it, so I was sitting in front of him on the bar.

His lips were traced with mint gum whereas mine was with fruity alcohol.

Carter's mouth trailed down from my lips to my collarbone, to my shoulder then to the bare spot above my chest. At the same time, drawing shapes in the bare spots of my skin.

The entire time, no one noticed.

I brushed away some imaginary hair from his face expecting Josh's blue bangs. But Carter had shorter hair than Josh.

"Silly me" I murmured into his ear.

He pulled suggestively at my dress strap. The climax of the alcohol was wasting and I needed the drink.

"Give my drink" I whined. He smiled before letting me swing across the bar. Unable to focus and wearing heels didn't match up.

Skidding off the bar, I tripped and face planted onto the floor. I giggled it off once again.

"You ok?" I expected to see Carter. Instead, a guy with brown hair. He wasn't particularly tall (comparing to Josh) but he still towered over me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just totally wasted." I started to laugh hysterically. He laughed too.

"I'm Brennan by the way" he didn't sound drunk at all. Maybe just a hustler looking for vulnerable girls. like me. Too bad he was so cute.

So Far From Here (A Marianas Trench <Josh Ramsay> FanFiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat