So Far From Here -Chapter 3

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That guy's best friend

(Matt Webb)

That night I had dinner with the rest of Sarah's parents and Josh wasn't there the entire time. Not that I missed him. Just something I noticed. Sarah's mom, who I learned was Coralynn and her dad was Miles. It turned out they were both muscicians of sorts- Miles was a music producer and Corlynn was a singing coach. Both which my parents dissaproved of. I sighed at the thought.

After dinner, I went up to Sarah's room which was the complete opposite of my taste- pink, girly and white furniture. Of course, to protect my parent's image I was forced with girly furniture and stuff of the sorts.

"Ï know it's kinda girly for you." I nodded smirking. "I don't live here anymore." I turned my head to her. Then why was I here?

"Where do you live?"I asked. I felt like an intruder here.

"I live in Downtown Vancouver," that was a fithteen minute drive from here! "But I had no space for you to come so I arranged for my parents to let you live here for the year. They didn't mind. And I promise I'll visit you. "I nodded feeling a little sad I would be here while Sarah, the one I had been visiting wasn't going to be here most the time

"Ok" That ended the argument. We hung out in her room talking about our studies and job. It wasn't the same as when we were twelve, but still. Sarah was an accountant but occasionalyy helped Josh with his band.

"Josh has a band?" I asked. She pulled out three CDs from a shelf. All of them were under the name of Marianas Trench.

"You heard of them?" I shoook my head as she put one in, the one with a stage on it. Masterpiece Theatre. Who naem's an album that? I spent the next thirty minutes listening. Josh may have been troublesome but his band and his vocals were amazing.

"You really haven't?"

"Parents are really strict. Choose my friends, furniture, my behaviour, my clothes. Even my music. Only allowed classical." Whatever Marianas Trench played was not classical for sure. But I liked it even more because of that.

"Take them then. They're signed. Specialty gift" she winks and hands me the CDs. I examined the covers. Fix Me had an old fashioned medical box, Masterpiece Theatre had a stage and Ever After had shelves full of toys. I loved it all. Afterwards, I retreated to my room as Sarah drove back to her own home. I hummed a familliar tune from one of the songs.

All alone in my bedroom, Josh still no where to be found, I put in the CDs in the stereo and just listened to them after each other. Something about Josh's voice gave me shivers and I just wanted to listen to more. I played my favourites over and over. I got caught up in the music, I didn't realise it untill it happened, that it was 12:30. I yawned. Too bad my insomnia was up but it would be rude to ask for sleeping pills. i'm pretty sure other people don't need them to sleep. Pulling on some flannel pajama pants and a grey t-shirt. It was spring time in Vancouver so it was relatively warm. Laying in bed I just stared into space not wanting to disrupt Miles and Corlynn. I didn't pack any sleeping pills so I just let the insomnia anger kick in. I rolled around, the lyrics of Marianas Trench haunting me.

When I finally fell asleep (around 3:30) I was awkaken by some loud noises from outside. Creepeing outside, wiping my bleary eyes, I saw Josh and a guy with brown hair and brown eyes. They stared at me and I stared back.

"Who's she?" asked the brown haired guywas shorter than Josh. Dressed in a black shirt and jeans.

"Allison, my sister's penpal" they both snickered. What was so funny about that?

"Well hello Allison, my name is Matt." he introduced himself.I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you."I murmered. I was finally getting some sleep and now I was awaken by some guys that were creeping around.

"I like your accent" he offered. I rolled my eyes.

"Matt shut up and leave."Josh said quickly. Like a whisper yell. Obviously he wasn't supposed to be here. Matt picked up a box that was taped so I couldn't see the content. He looked lost in where to go.

"Can I, uh, climb through your window?" he asked akwkwardly. Everything about him ause awkwardness. I nodded rather angrily. He smiled greatfully mouthing Thanks as he ran into my room pulled opened the window and got out more effectively than Josh. He was smaller.

Once Josh and I were alone I frowned at him crossing my arms across my check.

"Sorry about that. He's from my band and he was supposed to sign all the CDs in that box."I nodded before walking back to my room."

"Wait Alli." Josh called. I turned around to be smashed into his cheast. Josh's instinct was to hold onto me. We both noticed and he blushed letting go. "Do you have insomnia?" he asked timidly.

"Sadly, yes."he grinned. "How would you know?"

"Because, I've been looking for the box of CDs with Matt since 1:30 and I could hear your turning around in your bed and that's usually do when my insomnia pisses me off. Matt and I bet whether you had some sleeping condition."I nodded. I had thought it was something more serious but that was fine.

"Well you won." I smiled. Josh gave me a hug and I let him hugging him back. Even within this less-than-24-hour time period I already felt like Josh was my brother. I had been an only child anyway.

"Goodnight Josh."

"Goodnight Alli."

So Far From Here (A Marianas Trench <Josh Ramsay> FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now