So Far From Here- Chapter 8

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When we got in, I reieved some motherly support from his mom. "Are you ok now?"

Before I could answer, Josh steppes in with a "She threw up." I glared at him, mouthing, "Did not!" before he gave me a smile.

"Do you need any medication? More blankets? Anything at all?" she continued on. Even though Corlynn knew about me but only met me three days ago, she treated me like a real mother should.

"I'm fine. Thank you." I replied politely as Josh guided me to the basement leaving his mom muttering to herself about me "not getting any of the barf on myself!". I laughed despite it.

Once we were in the basement we took a seat on the couch. Smiling, Josh took back his coat as we departed our separate ways without another word.

Saying the kissing with Josh was amazing would be an understatement. He felt real and like he actually cared. As mischiveus as he was, he did things to make you happy or try to at least. He didn't want to hurt you unless he felt like you needed to. And that wasn't cause of personal hate, it was becaus they were threatining someone he loved.

Someone he loved. I would've never imagined I'd be classified like that. But even then I didn't know if that was true.

I fell asleep in my dress and was awoken by the light knock on the door. "Josh. Go away." I said tiredly at the door. The doorknob turned as Sarah walked in. She was chilling to herself.

"Josh bothering you a lot?" she asked raising an eyebrow. I shook my head. She examined me. "Must've been very sick last night." I shrug.

"Give me fithteen minutes and I'll be with you." I told her getting out of bed. She nodded and closed the behind her. The silent static of the tv buzzed in the background.

Pulling on white skinny jeans and a purple and grey stripped shirt on top. Grabbing a dark blue leather jacket and Josh's sunglasses I accedently took. I straightened my hair so it lay in just straight chunks.

Outside, Sarah was waiting for me patiently typing on her Blackberry. She saw me and smiled as she dragged me upstairs and through the door. Her car, which was an Auddi, sat in their driveway seemed to clash with Josh's truck.

Inside the car, Sarah handed me a muffin and coffee which I took thankfully. She backed out and into the busy traffic of early commute. "Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"You'll see." with a grin.

That day, we went to some stadium that the Winter Olympics had been held. It was big and shiny and just plain amazing. They were selling some of the merchandise that we knew wasn't the real stuff.

We were passing by a small outdoor stage. Sarah just paused smiling. "We had a show there as a family."


"Your mom, dad and Josh?" I asked. I knew Sarah coudkd sing. But having shows?

"Yeah" she sighed in daze

"Why didn't you go after music like Josh?"

She frowned for a second, "I don't take risks."

The next day, same routine with her waking me up and giving me the muffin and coffee. Then we would go do some sightseeing. Today, we went to Downtown Vancouver. We wandered around in and out boutiques and small souvenir stores. Inside a souvenir store, as we were checking out our own stuff, Sarah started to call me. "Allison!" I was going through a rack of pants.

I wandered to where Sarah was. She was holding out a T-shirt with the Union Jack in it. I smiled at it. On the t-shirt it read,

"If I had a British accent, I'd Never Shut Up"

We had taken a faerie to Victoria Island which was both terrifying and exciting as well as a trip to meet Sarah's fiancé who seemed relatively nice enough. But as long as Sarah was happy, all was good.

Friday, she said, would be the exciting part.

The routine continued with the muffin and coffee untill Friday. Wearing indigo jeans, strappy sandals and the t-shirt that Sarah we insisted I get, I got in her car and was surprised by the sugary smell of cupcakes.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLISON!" screamed as we got in. Oh yeah, it was my birthday. May 25. I was 25 now.

Giving Sarah a hug, "Thanks so much."

"No problem." she responded.

Sarah didn't tell us where we were goig so all I had to do was sit and wait. The first thing i bought about was Josh. It was almost a whole week since I last saw Josh. I didn't sem him during dinner or wandering around in the night. Did he e lect me to be more romantic and was avoiding me? Pushing all bad thoughts away, SarH stopped the car and we got out. We faced a big wearhouse.

Where were we? Sarah got out with the box of cupcakes and balloons. I followed her inside. The moment I stepped in, I knew it was a music studio. Her dad's music studio to be exact judging by the plaque on the wall

Following her down some hallways, "I saw all the guitars, recording booths and other cool stuff in the studio. Finally coming across a kitchen, she paused and droped off the stuff. Heck, even the kitchen was pretty cool with it's guitar shaped clock.

"No food. Unless you're Josh apparently" Sarah said rolling her eyes with a smile. I smiled too.

She showed me the different studios and I adsorbed it in with wide eyes. When we reached a recording booth, she let me in and showed me how it worked.

"This one controls the bass, this one is the treble and this-" I droned her out as I looked with amazement at the whole thing.

"You wanna try it? Singing." I turned to Sarah

"Seriously." she said handing me a headset.

"I can't." pushing it back at her. "I might break something."

"Consider it a birthday present. And if you DO break something, Whih I doubt you would, I'll blam it on Josh." I stared at her with wide eyes. Then we burst outloud.

"Ok" I said as I went in through a door leading into the room. Taking a seat in front of the mic, I put on the headset. Sarah's voice filled my ears.

"This is the only way you'll hear me. So go ahead and sing." Sarah smiled at me through the window dividing us.

Thinking about it, I started a song. Something happy and upbeat.

"I know

I never make it easy

It's easy, you disappear" I continued singing from memory and occasionally filling in my own lyrics.

When I was done, I was smilng like a crazy lunatic.

"You were amazing. I didn't know you could sing like that!" Sarah exclaimed exclaimed when I had exited the recording area.

"Thanks" Sarah lead me back to the kitchen. We just entered the kitchen when I heard Josh's voice I dividually yell.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLISON!" they yelled. Josh, Matt, two other guys I recognized from Marianas Trench as Mike and Ian. Or course Corlynn and Miles were there. But most of all Josh's laugh as my smile broadened.

So Far From Here (A Marianas Trench <Josh Ramsay> FanFiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat