Evil Incarnate

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Cheese in the Trap



The room was stuffy and Bryn was laying on the bed in a ball. She felt limp and weak. It had been two days. All youngon had done was feed her but she had stopped eating because it hurt to swallow from her screaming her lungs out one night until he had opened the door and laughed at her saying

"Its sound proof,so keep screaming"

She was going mad. Was no one ever going to find her?

Youngon condition had been that She agree to be his girlfriend. And he would release her. She had laughed at him until he had yelled at her and left for hours. Since then he had asked her three more times, suddenly she cocked her head. From the sound of the keys in the door he was back to ask again. He walked in cockily swinging the keys in his fingers.

"Jagiya!!! Ready to be Oppas girlfriend?"he sang. She rolled her eyes at him and he moved so swiftly he grabbed her head in his hands and shook her head! 

"Yes or No?"he said darkly.


Her words were cut short by the loud slap echoing in the small room. He had finally snapped and hit her. He kept slapping her until she fell to her knees and blood dripped from her split lips. Her head spun but he grabbed her hair and said again

"YES OR NO??!!!"

She was in the edge of consciousness but she managed to spit on him and say..

"Never fucker!!"and he flung her headfirst into the floor. She felt her bone crunch. And She slipped into the darkness calling her.


Youngon pov..

He watched the blood pool next to the unconscious Bryn but was helpless to stop. She was disrespecting his Love. She was going to learn to except him sooner or later. His face twisted in glee as he pictured her throwing herself into his arms in gratitude for teaching her to Love in the right way. Rougly he grabbed her and pushed her unto the bed.  He would have her soon. He went back out and sat in the chair. He turned on the tv and laughed hysterically at the comedy showing.....Creepily the look on his face changed darker. His eyes glowed as if something else was inside him. And there was...pure Evil had taken over.


Inho and Bryan were at the police station checking leads. The police had set up a hotline and they were going thru the neighbourhood searching house to house. They were being thorough but two days had passed and nothing had come up. Sketches of Youngon was bring circulated but still nothing. It was like they had disappeared off the planet. Inho was out of his mind. But he was trying to hold it all together. Jeong and Seola was there with him. Even Inha had stop being selfish and was helping too.

"Inho shii....there is someone here saying he's Oh Young Gon Brother!"suddenly the detective called and Inho sped out.

"Where is he?"growled Inho. Finally they were getting something after two days of dead end leads...

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