Cheese in the Trap(fanfic)

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Cheese in the Trap


Bryn wiped the counter with her cloth. She was tired, the day had been hectic and now the bar was over full. Drifters had finally become extremely popular with the college students after her boss had made a specials menu. Now they all patronized Drifters for the two for one combos. It had been a week and she hadn't seen Inho. She guess that was it. She had royally screwed any chance she had with him. The tears filled her eyes,she brushed it away and continued on with her work. The door bell rang and she turned with a fake smile to welcome the customer, and there he was. Dressed in a black suit his hair brushed back and he looked so dangerous. His face was like steel when he looked at her. She braced herself to go speak to him,but the pretty girl that came up and grabbed his arms stopped her...

"Oppa!! Do you have to come here? Its so noisy and nasty..!"the girl said in a high tone and she was looking around in disgust. Bryn turned red.

"Crystal it's just for a second...ok babe?"Inho answered and Bryn felt like a house had fallen on her, she drifted a bit and some one held onto her quickly. She looked up and saw Seon,Seols brother who had been there with some of his friends. She smiled at him and slowly straightened her body.

"Thanks I'm ok now,just got a little lightheaded there,haha." Seon raised his eyebrows at her but he let her go and she went to Inho and the Crystal girl table for their order. Inho watched her with cold dead eyes and ordered. She quickly took it down and went to the kitchen. She saw the Boss busy at the grill so she filled the order fast and went back out in record time. She served them with her head bent and moved away quickly. As she passed a particularly rowdy table one of the guys grabbed her butt and she pulled away. The man just laughed and went back to his drinking.

"See oppa the kind of girl that works at a bar,her character could never be a nice one,I'm so glad I never had to resort to this,poor girl." chattered Inhos friend. Bryn slowly began to get angry but in her job the customer is always right.

They were there for an hour. And that hour had been torture for Bryn seeing the girl feed Inho and touch him and Inho coldness to Bryn had taken its toll. But still she wasn't angry, she deserved it. What she had told him had been the worst thing. Now as she made the walk home she struggled to keep herself conscious. She felt nauseated and clammy. She stumbled into the elevator. As it went up it stopped and she almost groaned. But when she saw the couple that was getting on she stood tall and straight. She didn't need him and his girlfriend to see her sick. The girlfriend looked at her in horror

"Babe you live in the same building with the Bar girl? How uncomfortable,don't they check credentials?" she huffed not bothering to lower her voice. Bryn ignored her high squeaky voice concentrating on not throwing up. As the door opened she raced out. She couldn't care less about Inho and his dumb friend. She punched in her door code and ran for the bathroom not even waiting for her door to close. She heaved up everything into the bowl. Over and over waves of sickness poured out of her.  She kept vomiting for a few minutes. Until she had nothing left in her. She flushed and wiped the bowl and washed her face and brushed her teeth she took a quick shower all the while fighting to stop the blackness. Finally she made it to her bed and fell face forward. She passed out immediately. Unaware that her door was still open.


Inho looked surreptitiously at Bryn as she moved around the Bar working. She looked like shit! Either she was ill or very tired. He wanted to get up and help her. But he had to humour the woman he was with. She had tested positive for Seol transplant donor. And she had taken a liking to him. So he had played along because he didnt want to jeopardise Seol's chance of getting better. The woman clung to him like a leech. He had avoided Bryn for almost a week. Not because he didn't want to see her but to let things cool a little between them. He had felt like he had come on to her to strong. So he had given her a bit of space. Because when he did start to pursue her he wasn't going to let her breath. But now he had this clingy woman as a complication. Bryn face had been so expressive and every dig Crystal had thrown her way he had seen her literally flinch. He felt like a beast. When he left with Crystal she avoided him and the Boss took his bill payment instead. Now here she was in the Elevator. She looked like she could barely make it. He kept his eye on her even over Crystal chatter. But when they reached her floor Bryn just left walking rapidly away. Up in his place he settled Crystal with a movie and sat down on his piano and played but he kept thinking of Bryn. Did she have meds? He looked over at Crystal and saw she was asleep. He grabbed his coat and went out to the pharmacy on the corner and got meds. He bought all he could think of,even Period pain ones cuz he didn't kno what she was ill with. He hurried back to the building. When he got to her apartment he saw her door was open! Panic hit and he pushed it open and went in. He searched for her and found her bedroom. She was passed out cold and she was like a living furnace. She was burning up with fever. Quickly he wet a rag with cold water in the sink and he turned her over and put it on her forehead. She mumbled and frowned but didn't wake. He ripped the cold and fever meds open and he raised her and pushed it into her mouth. She automatically swallowed it and he held her up to make sure she didn't choke. After changing the cloth for a few times the meds finally kicked in and she felt cooler. He covered her up and left the rest of meds in her bedtable with a note to take them. He looked at her for a while. She looked so tiny and frail. He left making sure to lock her door properly. She would sleep well now. He had a problem to deal with. Crystal had to know he wasn't going to be the man she wanted.   

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