Cheese in the Trap(Fanfic)

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Cheese in the Trap


Bryn ran with all her might!  Because of the nights events she was almost late for her class. She was sure they would get a pop quiz. It was Friday and her professor liked to spring surprises at them. With mere seconds left she turned a corner and ran smack into a hard body. But she didn't have time to stop all she did was yell out sorry and kept running. She pushed open the door and there was her friend Min urging her on. She slipped unto the seat and barely a second pass and in came the professor! As he put his nooks I'm the podium he smiled

"Books away,pop quiz!"

The coordinated groan of voices just made him smile wider. Bryn rubbed her chest a little. She had run really hard into the person. She hoped she hadn't hurt them. The rest of the class went in silence. As they passed their papers to the front she stretched,she was sure that her score will be good. She flinched a bit. Her chest really hurt. She left the class with her friend Min but made a detour at the bathroom. She lifted up her t-shirt and looked at the spot that was hurting. There was a bruise the size of her fist. It was as if she had been in a fight and got punched in the boob. She sighed and fixed her cloths and went out. Again she ran smack into a hard chest. She gasped and unconsciously grabbed the spot where she had the bruise.

"Are you ok?" asked the deep voice of the ONE person she really didn't want to see....


Inho walked briskly towards Bryn class. She had run into him earlier and hadn't even stopped to see who she had hit. He didn't know why he was going to her but he couldn't really stop himself. As he passed the bathrooms he ran into a soft body. By the small gasp he knew it was a female. He looked down and saw exactly who he was looking for,Bryn. He saw her grab her chest and flinch. Did he hurt her earlier when they had collided?

"Are you ok?" he asked and then because they were so close he felt her body tremble. Did he really affect her like that? He felt her take a deep breath

"Yeah I am,are you?" she asked so softly he had to dip his head to hear her. Unconsciously he had backed her up against the wall. And his body braced hers. He felt a pull in his stomach and his instinct was to push harder. He heard her little gasp. And it turned him on.


When Inho dipped his head Bryn backed up. But he followed and now she was pinned against him and the wall. She could feel every part of him pressed up on her. She bent her head but he followed the movement and before she could do anything he caught her lips with his. She gasped and bucked against him But he just kept her pinned controlling her body movements with his. His mouth moved sensually against hers. But she kept her lips stubbornly closed. He very subtley moved his thigh to between her legs and arched her making her gasp hard and he took advantage of it and thrust his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss. He sucked and nipped and made her mouth his. She was trembling against him so much she barely could keep herself standing. Finally he broke the kiss. She swayed in his arms and he held her tightly. When she managed to get her senses back she looked up at him. The way he was looking at her was so hot. His eyes had darkened and she was sure if she moved just a little things would heat up fast again. He moved back and let her breath. Then he took her hands and dragged her behind him again, they came to a bench outside and he pushed her on it. He sat next to her.

"Do you know you ran into me b4?"he asked

"Ohh..that was you?"....she answered vaguely. She should have known. His body was hard as rock.

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