Cheese in the Trap(Fanfic)

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Cheese in the Trap

Ff(pt 3)

She held him unto him as he  took a deep breath and pulled away.

"Sorry,she's very important to me"Inho said gruffly.

Bryn smiled at him and nodded She didn't trust herself to speak. Her throat had closed up with pain when he said that. She had realized that she liked him. It was the only thing to explain her feelings. But by his own words he was in love with Seol. So she walked quietly next to him until they reached home. She stood next to her door, he kept looking at her without speaking.

"Good night,thanks for walking me home"she said and went inside quickly. She stood behind her door and the tears fell. Trust her to fall for a guy twisted up over another girl.


Inho stood and watched as Bryn closed the door basically in his face. He was confused. She had gotten quiet after their hug. And he didn't know why. He was going to apologise again but she had gone inside so fast he didn't get to. Scratching his head He walked to the elevators,his apartment was on another floor.At his rooms he made a call to Jeong. And he breathed a sigh of relief. Jeong was at the airport going straight to the hospital. Seol needed him. Inho was glad Jeong had overcome his coldness. Now he would take care of Seol. Something niggled in his brain, waitt!! Did Bryn think he was in love with Seol? Was that why her behaviours changed when he spoke about Seol? Gosh he was such a Guy! He made the girl he liked think he liked another girl. He face palmed his self and threw his body on the bed. He had to fix this soon but now he had to shower and sleep.  Jeong would need him for the time. After he would deal with Bryn.


The next day Bryn walked with speed to her classes with her head down. She really didn't want to run into Inho. It was hard for her to be emotionless when he spoke of Seol. It wasn't Seol fault either she was such a nice person. Bryn decided to go visit her later at the hospital. Classes went by but her head was still messed up

so she just kinda blew thru them. She asked Min to go with her so she could be a buffer between her and Inho if he was there. The hospital always creeped her out. When they got to Seol's room there he was..along with Jeong and another guy she didn't know.

"Hi,"she said hesitantly going forward into the room, she avoided Inho gaze. He still made her flutter.

Jeong smiled,.

"Hello ..."she handed over the drinks she had brought and the fruits.

Jeong took them and moved away.

Seol smiled weakly at her. She looked like it was painful to do anything. Bryn spoke softly to her and then sat and chatted with Jeong and the other guy who was Seol brother. Seol brother was funny and made her laugh. Which distracted her from the scowly Inho.

The door burst open and in flew a slim tall beauty

"Seolaaaaa are you okk??? Is she going to live...Plzzzz live Seolll I'm sorry I was such an ass back then!"....Bryn saw Inho sigh and he walked to the woman and tapped her on the head

"Ya! Lower your voice,you're in a hospital, and yes Seol WILL live you dummy,even tho you tried to kill her you criminal!"He said angrily

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